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【实用英文】食指绝对不是 eat finger!五根手指头的英文单字和用法大解析

拇指 thumbthumbs up 认同近日已渐渐延伸出「按赞」的含义啰!这个功能在像是 Facebook 或 YouTube 等各大社群网站已经越来越普及了!If you like our video, please give us a thumbs up!如果你喜欢我们的影片,请不吝惜帮我们按个赞!t

拇指 thumb

thumbs up 认同

近日已渐渐延伸出「按赞」的含义啰!这个功能在像是 Facebook 或 YouTube 等各大社群网站已经越来越普及了!

If you like our video, please give us a thumbs up!


thumbs down 反对

The plan to build a hotel on the site has been given the thumbs down by the Department of Environment.


a rule of thumb 经验法则


be all thumbs 笨拙的

My mother writes beautiful calligraphy, but I’m all thumbs — I can barely hold the pen!


【实用英文】食指绝对不是 eat finger!五根手指头的英文单字和用法大解析

under someone’s thumb 完全被某人掌控

He has been under the thumb of his father for many years.


食指 forefinger / index finger / pointer finger

fore 有「靠前的」的意思,index 和 pointer 都有指标的意思,当你伸出食指时是不是常在指着某个方向呢?所以 forefinger / index finger / pointer finger 都是食指的意思!

The police officer was a handsome, elegantly dressed man with a diamond ring on his forefinger.


中指 middle finger

giving someone the (middle) finger 对某人比中指

Giving someone the middle finger is regarded as an insult in Western culture.


无名指 ring finger

通常婚戒戴在无名指上,所以称为 ring finger。

小指 little finger / pinky

pinky swear/promise 打勾勾

手指(特别指拇指以外的) finger


not lift/raise a finger 没有付出任何努力

Tim never lifts a finger to help his wife with houseworks.

Tim 从来不帮他的老婆作任何家事。

green fingers 绿手指,指擅长园艺的人

have a finger in every pie (不受欢迎的)凡事插手、干预

The sales manager always has a finger in every pie because she doesn’t trust others.


