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你是否曾經有經驗,每次聊到貼近生活的話題都會畏畏縮縮不敢講話?明明已經想好中文的回答,卻支吾許久、卻不知道英文怎麼講?讓我們先來看一段影片,教你怎麼輕鬆開口溜英文!Table of Contents招計程車 hail cab載你一程 give you a ri


Table of Contents

招計程車 hail cab

載你一程 give you a ride

賴床 sleep in

滑手機 phub my phone

開香檳 break out the bubbly

刷卡 use credit card

擦保養品 apply care product

綁頭髮 do one’s hair 

買單 have the check

煮咖啡 Brew coffee

追女生 go after/ woo/ pursue

把握機會 seize/ grab/snatch/grasp opportunities

掛電話 hang up the phone/ cut the call

打卡 clock in

招計程車 hail cab

「招」計程車可以用 hail, get 或是。計程車則是 taxi 或 cab 都可以。Cab 屬於比較紐約客的用法!

載你一程 give you a ride

注意!載你回家並不是 ride you home 哦!應該是 Give you a ride home. 千萬別犯這個容易讓人誤會的錯誤!


Oh my god, I’m going to be late! I think I’m gonna hail a cab!


That’s ok. I’ll give you a ride/ lift.


賴床 sleep in

西方的賴床有兩種意思:一種是鬧鐘響後繼續睡覺,用的是 sleep in 這個片語;另一種是單純躺在床上懶得動,就直接用 stay in bed 就好囉!

滑手機 phub my phone

“Phubber”低頭族這個字是從 phone 跟 snubber (冷落他人的人)結合而成的




I’ve been vegging out all the time recently. Either do I sleep in bed or phub my phone for an hour after getting up.



開香檳 break out the bubbly

Break out 可以指「開酒」,也可以說 break out the beer 。這邊的 Bubbly 是香檳的口語用法。

刷卡 use credit card

我們通常不會將「刷卡」這個動作的直接翻譯。如果想要問店家收不收信用卡,可以問 Do you accept/ take credit cards here?

A: Jeff just proposed to Cindy! Let’s break out the bubbly tonight!

A: 聽說 Jeff 向 Cindy 求婚了!我們晚上來開香檳慶祝吧!

B: But I don’t have enough cash with me.

B: 可是我身上沒有足夠的現金耶!

A: That’s fine. We can use credit card here.

A: 沒關係,我們可以刷卡

擦保養品 apply care product

這邊的「擦」就是把保養品抹到臉上去,所以不是用 wipe 或是 rub 哦!這樣臉會長皺紋的!

綁頭髮 do one’s hair 

在路上常常看到有人綁馬尾 (ponytail)、包包頭 (bun)、或是辮子 (braid),這些前面都是使用 do 這個動詞!

What do you girls usually do in the morning? Is there a routine?


Absolutely! We choose our outfit of the day, apply facial care product, put on some makeup and do our hair.


買單 have the check

bill 跟 check 都有帳單的意思。在餐廳吃完飯要結帳的時候,通常都會跟服務生說 Check, please。比較禮貌一點的說法就是 May I have the check? 而不是說 I want to pay the bill 哦!不過,英式英語裡頭可以直接說 Can I have the bill?

要注意的是,check 買單的用法只限於餐館。當你在逛街或是其他地方消費時,可以講 ring up。

煮咖啡 Brew coffee

雖然中文翻譯成「煮」,但不是 cook這個字哦!

brew (v.) 釀造 (酒)、煮泡 (茶/咖啡)、醞釀

Germany has well-brewed beer.



brew coffee 是現煮咖啡 make coffee 是沖泡咖啡!雖然翻譯上差不多,但是所耗費的時間跟口感都不一樣!

A: Excuse me! Can we have the check?

A: 不好意思,我們想要買單。

B: Please wait for a moment. I’m in the middle of brewing coffee.

B: 抱歉,稍等一下。我正在煮咖啡。

追女生 go after/ woo/ pursue

老外的「追」女生,屬於比較 casual,比如說約吃飯、看電影等等,就可以用 go after 或是 pursue。如果是很認真的追求,甚至是求婚的話可以用 woo

把握機會 seize/ grab/snatch/grasp opportunities

The strong create opportunities; the wise seize opportunities; the weak wait for opportunities, and the foolish give up opportunities.


掛電話 hang up the phone/ cut the call


接電話 answer/ pick up the phone

A: I heard that you are going after Tiffany recently. Did you seize opportunities to ask her out?

A:聽說你最近在追 Tiffany? 有沒有把握機會約她出去呀?

B: Don’t mention it! She hangs up my phone every time I call her!

B: 哎!別說了!每次打給她,都會被掛電話!

打卡 clock in

這邊指的是上班族的例行的打卡,下班打卡就是 clock out。如果是臉書上的動態打卡可以用 check in。

A: It’s already 9 o’clock! I need to clock in immediately or the boss will kill me!

A: 天阿已經九點鐘了!我要趕快打卡,不然老闆會把我殺了!

B: Come on! You’re exaggerating! Our boss is a really nice person!

B: 拜託!你太誇張了!我們老闆人很好的!


brew coffee 泡咖啡

have the check 買單

hail a cab 招計程車

clock in 打卡

go after/ pursue a girl 追女生

seize an opportunity 把握機會

stay in bed/ sleep in 賴床

give sb. a ride 載某人一程

apply care product 擦保養品

do one’s hair 做頭髮

break out the bubbly 開香檳

use a credit card 刷卡

phub a phone 滑手機

hang up a phone 掛電話

