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移民还有分移入和移出! ?你知道 emigration, immigration 差别在哪吗?

emigration 是移出移民immigration 是移入移民3. migration 是移民 (同时表示包括移出和移入居民)比如移民到美国,对台湾人来说是 emigration (emigrant),对美国人来说是 immigration (immigrant)。对台湾人和美国人,都是 migration (

emigration 是移出移民

immigration 是移入移民

 3. migration 是移民 (同时表示包括移出和移入居民)

比如移民到美国,对台湾人来说是 emigration (emigrant),对美国人来说是 immigration (immigrant)。对台湾人和美国人,都是 migration (migrant)。

1. Emigration and immigration are both forms of migration.


移民还有分移入和移出! ?你知道 emigration, immigration 差别在哪吗?

2. If you move out of a country, you have emigrated, and you are an emigrant.


3. If you move into a country, you have immigrated, and you are now an immigrant.


4. Either way, or even if you move within the same country, you have migrated, and you are a migrant.


5. Also, animals and people can all migrate, but only people can immigrate and emigrate.



You may be familiar with the prefix ex- meaning “out” from words like exodus. If you can remember both that and identify the immigration with the word in, then this will help you to remember that emigration is from the point of view of coming out, while immigration is from the point of view of coming in.

