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1. on sale 特价on sale 是用来形容某物品特价的时候These books are on sale. 这些书在特价。Women’s clothing is on sale this month. 女装本月有折扣。What’s on sale in the store? 店里有哪些东西在特价?若要说「某间商店的商品

1. on sale 特价

on sale 是用来形容某物品特价的时候

These books are on sale. 这些书在特价。

Women’s clothing is on sale this month. 女装本月有折扣。

What’s on sale in the store? 店里有哪些东西在特价?

若要说「某间商店的商品正在打折」的话,不能直接把 on sale 加在「某间商店」后面喔!


The mall is on sale. (x)

The store is on sale. (x)

通常要形容一间店在打折,或是特殊节日的折扣,会直接用 sale。

The store is having a sale. 这间店在特价中。

The department store is having a thanksgiving sale. 这间百货公司正在举行感恩节特价活动。

Thanksgiving sale. 感恩节特卖。

Anniversary sale. 周年庆。

至于 for sale 则是待售的意思,若是非卖品就是 not for sale。

This exquisite antique is not for sale. 这精美的古董是非卖品。


2. discount 打折、折扣

想要形容商品有打折或打几折的时候就可以用 discount

There is a 10 percent discount on all the items now. 目前所有商品打 9 折。

情境对话 A:

Customer: Excuse me. Is there any discount on that jacket?

Clerk: Yes, you will get a 20 percent discount before 10/1.


店员:是的,在 10 月 1 号以前购买皆可享有 8 折优惠。

情境对话 B:

Customer: Excuse me. Is there any discount on the wallet?

Clerk: Well, I could give you a 15 percent discount if you buy it today. I can guarantee it’s the lowest you can get.


店员:如果你今天跟我买的话可以算你 85 折,我保证你找不到更便宜的了。

3. X % off

在国外的商店常常会看到 20% off, 30% off 的用语,但 20% off 到底是打 2 折还是打 8 折?

让小 V 教你!只要这样想就不会搞混了:off 有「去掉」的意思,20% off 就是从原本的价格拿掉 20%,还剩 80%,也就是 8 折。

小 V 还记得之前在逛网拍时,曾看到有间知名背包品牌,明明商品才刚上架不久,所有背包的商品页面上写着 “90% off” 耶!

原本还想说好奇怪,怎么才开卖不久就要一折出清了! ?原来,店家是想要表示打 9 折,却用错了英文啦!


6 折起,就是 Up to 40% Off(最多拿掉 40%)

3 折起,就是 Up to 70% Off(最多拿掉 70%)

4. special offer 特价

special offer 平常有特别优待的意思,在买卖上也可以作为特价。

Disney World is having a special offer for kids under 14 years old.


The potato chips were on special offer, so I bought them.


5. buy one get one free 买一送一

若要形容买几送几,可以用 “buy x get x free”,只要在空格内填入数字就可以了

Buy two get one free. 买二送一。

Buy five get two free. 买五送二。



Buy one, get one 50% off. 第二件半价

Buy two, get another one 40% off. 第三件六折

6. clearance 出清特卖


clearance 本身有清除和扫除的意思,用在买卖上面就是出清的意思。

换季出清是 end of season sale 或 end of season clearance sale。

7. rebate 回扣  


这种折扣通常需要你买了东西之后,需要填一些资料寄回公司,他们就会再提供一些写有折扣金额的支票给你,这叫做 Mail-In-Rebate。

