UBER 的新闻在近期闹得沸沸扬扬,在国内外皆面临到一些问题,
sharing economy 共享经济
Sharing economy is an umbrella term with a range of meanings, often used to describe economic and social activity involving online transactions.
umbrella term (n.) 「雨伞术语」是一种比喻的说法,指的是此术语像打开的伞一样,下面涵盖多个术语,称作「概括性术语」或「总称」。
excess capacity 资源过剩
Sharing economy using information technology enables the optimization of resources by mutualizing the excess capacity in goods and services.
carpool 共乘 (又称:car-sharing, ride-sharing, lift-sharing, covoiturage)
Carpooling is the sharing of car journeys so that more than one person travels in a car.
看完 carpool 的意思后,你知道 uberpool 是什么吗?
UBER 会为你配对前往相同方向的乘客,与他人共乘节省车资。虽然在台湾还没有这个功能,但如果到国外旅游想要节省车资,这或许是不错的方法呢!
carpool lane/line 高乘载车道 (又称:HOV lane, High-Occupancy Vehicle lane)
At the entrance of a carpool lane, a sign always indicates how many people are required in each vehicle to be eligible.
高乘载车道是指专供乘载至少 2 人以上汽车所行驶的车道,设置此车道的目的在于鼓励共乘、使用大众运输工具以降低交通壅塞,并减少车辆排放造成的空气污染。
surge pricing 动态定价
Surge pricing increases economic efficiency in two ways:
1. rising prices motivate more drivers to start driving,
2.when there are not enough drivers online for everyone, the rising prices make only those customers whose needs are highest accept a ride.
surge (v.) 波动 (通常指价格上升的波动)
Housing prices have surged in recent months.
rating score 评分
A low rating score might diminish the availability and convenience of the service to the user.
diminish (v.) 减弱、降低
The drug’s side effects should diminish over time.
protest 抗议
UBER is the subject of ongoing protests and legal action from taxi drivers, taxi companies, and governments around the world who are trying to stop UBER from operating in their areas.
许多针对 UBER 进行的抗议及采取法律的行为都是源自计程车司机、计程车公司和各国政府,他们试图阻止 UBER 在当地继续营运。
asset valuation 资产估值
Asset valuation is the process of assessing the value of a company, real property or any other item of worth, in particular assets that produce cash flows.
real property 和 real estate 都是「房地产」的意思。
财产分类当中有许多不是实体的东西,例如股票、债券;房地产在财产当中属于实体程度最高的,因此才用 real property (真实的财产) 来当作房地产的英文唷。
acquisition 收购
The acquisition of UBER China was a victory for Didi Chuxing and it means local players can, and will, win.
中国的 UBER 被收购对于滴滴出行来说是一项胜利,这意味着本土企业能战胜 UBER。
滴滴出行在今年 8 月 1 日发出声明证实,他们与 UBER 全球达成战略协议,将收购 UBER 在中国的品牌、业务、数据等资产。 UBER 中国将保有品牌和经营独立性,继续在中国提供服务,不过在用户资源、营运推广等层面将与滴滴出行共享资源、合作发展。
petition 连署
UBER fights to stay in Taiwan as petition draws more than 50,000.
UBER 极力想留在台湾,连署吸引超过 50,000 人。
UBER 从今年 8 月 5 日开始呼吁连署,希望能继续在台湾提供服务, 并且已在 8 月 8 日达到 5 万人次的连署。