如果你担心在工作上出包、不知道怎么跟同事打成一片,或者还不熟悉职场上的应对进退,你一定要好好看这篇!让 VoiceTube 教你融入新环境的「四大破冰法」!
I’m new here. 我是新来的。
而专属「新手」的英文有 newbie/rookie
I might be a seasoned stock broker, but I’m still a newbie in investment banking.
He’s a rookie in cooking.
How to fit in a company? 如何融入一间公司?
fit in (v.) 有地方容纳;有时间从事 (某事);有时间接待 (某人);相处融洽
Like the ugly duckling in the story, he never fits in there.
1. 快接近午餐时间,可以询问同事哪里有好吃的,借机和同事约吃饭、聊聊天
Lydia: Where is the nearest place for a good hamburger?
Michelle: Well, we have a nice burger place in the basement of this building, we can have lunch there together.
Lydia: 这附近哪里有好吃的汉堡呀?
Michelle: 这栋大楼的地下室里,有一间店的汉堡还蛮好吃的!我们可以一起在那吃午餐。
2. 在茶水间 (kitchen) 或洗手间 (restroom) 巧遇同事,可以聊聊一些日常主题,比如今天的天气,最后加上一个开放式问题,引起讨论
Wow, it is cloudy and humid. Have you heard about the forecast for the typhoon this week?
只有饮水机、咖啡机的「茶水间」叫做 kitchen,跟厨房的英文是一样的。
若除了茶水还有提供舒适的空间和桌椅的话,就可以说是「休息室」了,此时就可以改叫 common room 或者叫做 lounge room。
Joey: I just heard some gossips from my colleagues in the common room.
Ariel: Really? Are they talking about April’s new romance?
Joey: 我刚在休息室听到同事们在聊八卦耶!
Ariel: 真的吗?他们是不是在说 April 的新恋情啊?
3. 想多了解公司或同事时,你可以参考下面的问法,若刚好遇到资深的同事,说不定对方还能带你熟悉环境唷!
Cindy: How long have you been working here?
Anthony: Oh, I’ve been working in Google for about 10 years.
Cindy: Wow, you are senior. I just started.
Anthony: Let me introduce you to our regulars, you’ll have lots of meetings with them in the future.
Cindy: Thank you! I should learn from you.
Cindy: 你在这边工作多久了呀?
Anthony: 我在 Google 工作10年了。
Cindy: 哇,你好资深喔!我是新来的。
Anthony: 让我把你介绍给我们的常客,你以后会常常跟他们开会。
Cindy: 谢谢!我会好好向你学习的。
老员工不叫 old staff,要叫 senior staff (资深员工)。
老顾客不叫 old customers,要叫 regular customers (常客),或直称 regulars.
4. 在一天结束后,可以和主管或同事聊聊你对于刚上班的观察,并且问一个小小的问题,作为话题的开始
Noel: We seem to be very busy with meetings today. Are all work days like this?
Ivan: Yes, since the headquarter wants to control the sales of each branch, we have twice as meetings than before.
Noel: Really? I hope we can find an efficient solution.
Noel: 我们今天好像整天都在忙着开会耶,平常也是会像今天一样吗?
Ivan: 对啊,因为总公司那边想要掌握每个分公司的销售状况,我们现在的会议量是以前的两倍。
Noel: 真的吗?希望会有更具效率的方法来解决这个问题。