传统课堂上提到的创新和领导教学时,已经不适用现在的环境。在此哈佛教授琳达希尔(Linda Hill)告诉你创新的迷思。
迷思1:创新是爱因斯坦灵光一现的时刻。 (Einstein’s ‘Aha!’ moment)
Innovation is not about solo genius, it’s about collective genius.
No solo genius, no flash of inspiration produces one of those movies. On the contrary, it takes about 250 people four to five years, to make one of those movies.
迷思2:创新过程是过程由一系列繁琐的步骤构成每个步骤都被严谨地分组完成。 (The process was a neat series of steps done by discrete groups.)
The process was iterative, interrelated and, frankly, messy.
迷思3:创新一开始就已经成熟。 (Innovations get created full-blown.)
Innovations are the result, usually, of trial and error: lots of false starts, missteps and mistakes.
迷思4:领导应该创造一个愿景。 (Leaders are supposed to create a vision.)
But if I’m trying to do something that’s truly new, I have no answers. I don’t know what direction we’re going in and I’m not even sure I know how to figure out how to get there.
本质1:创新的核心是矛盾的。 (At the heart of innovation is a paradox.)
You have to unleash the talents and passions of many people, and you have to harness them into a work that is actually useful.
本质2:创新是场旅程。 (Innovation is a journey.)
It’s a type of collaborative problem solving, usually among people who have different expertise and different points of view.
本质3:创新需要多样性(Innovation requires diversity.)
Innovation rarely happens unless you have both diversity and conflict.
本质4:创新机构的人要会捍卫自己的观点。 (Individuals in innovative organizations learn how to advocate for their view.)
Individuals in innovative organizations learn how to inquire, learn how to actively listen, but they also learn how to advocate for their point of view.
本质5:创新机构的人不向老板低头。 (People in innovative organizations don’t let the boss dominate.)
People in the innovative organizations never go along to get along. They don’t compromise. They don’t let one group or one individual dominate, even if it’s the boss, even if it’s the expert.
本质6:领导力就是创造一个人们想存在的世界。 (Leadership is about creating a world to which people want to belong.)
Leading innovation is about creating the space where people are willing and able to do the hard work of innovative problem solving.
1. creative abrasion 创意摩擦
Creative abrasion is about being able to create a marketplace of ideas. In innovative organizations, they amplify differences, they don’t minimize them.
2. creative agility 创造的灵活性
Creative abrasion is not about brainstorming, where people suspend their judgment. They know how to have very heated but constructive arguments to create a portfolio of alternatives.
Creative agility is about being able to test and refine that portfolio of ideas through quick pursuit, reflection and adjustment.
「创造的灵活性」是指,能够通过快速的追索、反应和调整,来检验和提炼那些创想。 「创造的灵活性」是指,能够通过快速的追索、反应和调整,来检验和提炼那些创想。
3. creative resolution 创造性的解决方案
This is about doing decision making in a way that you can actually combine even opposing ideas to reconfigure them in new combinations to produce a solution that is new and useful.
上面这三项能力是皮克斯持续成功的秘诀,而琳达希尔也提到了的工程组和基础设施组的组长(head of the engineering group and the infrastructure group) Bill Coughran如何在之际,带领旗下团队扩充自家数据储存系统的成功经验。想一窥究竟,千万不能错过琳达希尔的演讲!