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hang out、hang in 傻傻分不清! ?与 hang 相关之片语大公开!

1. hang out 出去玩;消磨时间;到外面晃晃“Hang out” 是超级普遍的英文俚语,在用英语对话中常常会出现 “Where do you hang out?” 还有 “I don’t feel like hanging out tonight” 的句子。 ”Hang out” 最酷的一点就是可以

1. hang out 出去玩;消磨时间;到外面晃晃

“Hang out” 是超级普遍的英文俚语,在用英语对话中常常会出现 “Where do you hang out?” 还有 “I don’t feel like hanging out tonight” 的句子。 ”Hang out” 最酷的一点就是可以把它想像为「把自己拿到外面晾一下」,就像衣服可以 “hang it out to dry”,人也可以拿出去透透气,如果有机会与喜欢的人在一起就更高兴了!

另外,“Hangout” 是名词,也就是会去玩的地方。 Google 推出了新功能,就也叫做 “Hangouts”!你有用过吗?让影片解释一下它名字跟「会去玩的地方」有什么关联吧:

2. hang up 挂起;挂断电话;挂上话筒

“Hang up” 的解释很简单,如果是把一个东西往上挂就是 “hang it up”。也普遍的代表挂上电话的意思。如果看过老电影中的人讲电话,看到固定在墙上笨重的电话与需要两只手拿的听筒与对讲器,就很容易了解为什么挂电话是 “hang up the phone”。

3. hang in there 继续下去;坚持下去;撑下去

“Hang in there” 是鼓励做事情时不要放弃的意思。用创意性的视觉去幻想的话,可以想像是在攀岩一样,目标是上面,如果累的话不能放手,还是要用点力气,继续把自己给支撑着。不过当然,你也可以自己放手,像 Olaf 一样喊出 “Hang in there!” 叫别人继续撑着:

4. hang on 抓住;等一下

“Hang on” 与 “hold on” 有七分的相似,只是比较不正式。如果是与客户讲话最好说 “Hold on a moment please”,与比较熟的人就可以说 “hang on”。

hang out、hang in 傻傻分不清! ?与 hang 相关之片语大公开!

5. hang on sb.’s every word 非常的注意一个人所讲的话

如果你在讲话时,有人“hangs on your every word” 就表示他很在意你,所以你说什么都相信。也有暗示一个人过度的依赖另外一个人的意思,单纯的认为他讲的话完全是正确的。

既然单字与例句已经整理好了,就 “hang on for a few more minutes”,就拿一张纸、花几分钟找一下选择题的答案,马上复习,英文进步了再跑出去 “hang out”!答案在文章最后面噢!

1. 与喜欢的人常去的地方

Hannah and Hank have been friends for many years. They often ____________ on Sundays to eat brunch together. An American restaurant near Hannah’s home always offers great food and good service with no time limit on how long the customers can stay, so it has become their favorite ___________.

A) hang in, hang on

B) hang around, hang up

C) hang out, hangout

D) hangout, hang out

2. 无所事事的时候

As teenagers, Hallie and Hattie always _____________ the mall after school with nothing better to do. However, after they entered high school, they both got part-time jobs and had less free time on their hands.

A) hang around

B) hang on every word of

C) hang up

D) hang in there

3. 言语的影响力

Hal is a famous college professor who always delivers moving lectures, and his student all ______________. Since Hal is aware of his own influence, he is extremely careful with his words.

A) hand around

B) hang on his every word

C) hang out together

D) hang in there

4. 不同的相处的办法

Harry and his brother Henry live on different sides of the globe. Whenever they talk on the phone, they never have much to say, and usually ___________ after a few minutes of small talk. But when they see each other in person, they always give each other big hugs, go get a few drinks, and _____________ late into the night.

A) hang on to each other’s every word, hang in there

B) hang on to each other’s every word, hangout

C) hang out, hang up

D) hang up, hang out

5. 努力的结果

Before Harriet was promoted to be the regional sales manager, she wanted to quit her job as the branch manager because she exhausted her energy in meeting the demands of both customer and employee. However, she always told herself to ____________, because she loved her job and believed that she will be rewarded for all of her hard work.

A) not go to any hangouts

B) never hang up

C) hold on a minute

D) hang in there







