【英文阅读小技巧】用故事征服英文文章:The elves and the shoemaker


在你开始阅读(或是关掉视窗)之前,小编想先问问你,我们为什么需要阅读?阅读不只是看懂文字,还包含解读作者隐喻以及在脑海中建构出一个完整想像世界的能力,同时也影响我们「说话」的能力。也就是说,如果你在看完故事后能在脑海里构筑出详细的故事场景,那表示你在接收及表达资讯的能力上已有相当的底子,学起英文当然也更容易上手啰! John Green 在这部影片中会详细地告诉你许多有关阅读的小秘密(虽然他的表现方式有点…… 激动?),或许看完影片后你能更了解小编为啥要拿一篇童话故事来让大家瞧瞧。


The elves and the shoemaker.

      There was once a shoemaker, who worked very hard and was very honest, but still he could not earn enough to live upon; and at last all he had in the world was gone, save just leather enough to make one pair of shoes.Then he cut his leather out, all ready to make up the next day, meaning to rise early in the morning to his work. His conscience was clear and his heart light amidst all his troubles; so he went peaceably to bed, left all his cares to Heaven, and soon fell asleep.


shoemaker (n.) 修鞋匠、补鞋匠

honest (adj.) 诚实、正直的

honesty (n.) 真诚、正直

Honesty is the best policy.


leather (n.) 皮革、皮制品

conscience (n.) 良心、道德

conscientious (adj) 有良心的、有道德的


    In the morning after he had said his prayers, he sat himself down to his work; when, to his great wonder, there stood the shoes already made, upon the table. The good man knew not what to say or think at such an odd thing happening. He looked at the workmanship; there was not one false stitch in the whole job; all was so neat and true, that it was quite a masterpiece. The same day a customer came in, and the shoes suited him so well that he willingly paid a price higher than usual for them; and the poor shoemaker, with the money, bought leather enough to make two pairs more.


prayer (n.) 祈祷、祷告、祷词

wonder (v.) 纳闷、对…感到疑惑 (n.) 惊奇、讶异

odd (adj.) 奇特的、古怪的

      In the evening he cut out the work, and went to bed early, that he might get up and begin betimes next day; but he was saved all the trouble, for when he got up in the morning the work was done ready to his hand. Soon in came buyers, who paid him handsomely for his goods, so that he bought leather enough for four pair more. He cut out the work again overnight and found it done in the morning, as before; and so it went on for some time: what was got ready in the evening was always done by daybreak, and the good man soon became thriving and well off again.

【英文阅读小技巧】用故事征服英文文章:The elves and the shoemaker


betimes (adv.) 早、及时

handsomely (adv.) 漂亮地、气派地、可观地

handsome (adj.)  英俊的、慷慨大方的、可观的

The waiter received a handsome tip.



      One evening, about Christmas-time, as he and his wife were sitting over the fire chatting together, he said to her, “I should like to sit up and watch tonight, that we may see who it is that comes and does my work for me.” The wife liked the thought; so they left a light burning, and hid themselves in a corner of the room, behind a curtain that was hung up there, and watched what would happen.


sit up / stay up / pull an all-nighter / burn the midnight oil 熬夜不睡

curtain (n.) 窗帘、门帘、幕状物

A curtain of fog hid the mountain from the view.


      As soon as it was midnight, there came in two little naked dwarfs; and they sat themselves upon the shoemaker’s bench, took up all the work that was cut out, and began to ply with their little fingers, stitching and rapping and tapping away at such a rate, that the shoemaker was all wonder, and could not take his eyes off them. And on they went, till the job was quite done, and the shoes stood ready for use upon the table. this was long before daybreak; and then they bustled away as quick as lightning.


midnight (n.) 午夜、半夜

naked (adj.) 暴露的、赤裸的

The  mountain was left naked of plants.


dwarf (n.) 小矮人、侏儒 (adj.) 矮小的、发育不良的

bench (n.) 板凳、长椅

ply (v.) 不断地工作

bustle (v.) 忙碌地奔走

The hustle and bustle of the big city exhausts people who live in.



      The next day the wife said to the shoemaker. “These little wights have made us rich, and we ought to be thankful to them, and do them a good turn if we can. I am quite sorry to see them run about as they do; and indeed it is not very decent, for they have nothing upon their backs to keep off the cold. I’ll tell you what, I will make each of them a shirt, and a coat and waistcoat, and a pair of pantaloons into the bargain; and do you make each of them a little pair of shoes.”


      The thought pleased the good cobbler very much; and one evening, when all the things were ready, they laid them on the table, instead of the work that they used to cut out, and then went and hid themselves, to watch what the little elves would do.


waistcoat (n.) 背心

into the bargain 而且、再加上

He is a shoemaker and a kind husband into the bargain.


cobbler (n.) 鞋匠 (=shoemaker)

      about midnight in they came, dancing and skipping, hopped round the room, and then went to sit down to their work as usual; but when they saw the clothes lying for them, they laughed and chuckled, and seemed mightily delighted.


skip (v.) 蹦蹦跳跳、略过

chuckle (v.) 颗颗地笑

delight (n.) 欣喜、愉快

     Then they dressed themselves in the twinkling of an eye, and danced and capered and sprang about, as merry as could be; till at last they danced out at the door, and away over the green. The good couple saw them no more; but everything went well with them from that time forward, as long as they lived.


twinkle (v.) 闪烁、闪耀

caper (v.) 雀跃、蹦跳

故事结束了,你有没有办法成功在脑海里画出刚刚故事的场景呢?你有没有在表面的故事文字中发现什么作者藏起来的彩蛋呢?说到彩蛋,小编一定要提一下自己的亲身经历。小编曾在高中时期读过当时超红(现在还是不错,而且外传电影明年要上映了)的 Harry Potter 原文版,在当时只觉得 J.K Rowling 怎么发明了这么多自创单字,就算读过中文版、知道剧情了都还是不太能理解哈利(或是妙丽)在说什么东西。但是在小编读完四年外文系毕业后再回头看才发现,天哪! Rowling 原来在书中放满这么多的小秘密!有的是在角色名字上做文章,有的是从第一集铺到第七集才爆出来的梗,还有更多开放给读者想像的 open end。这些都是只有读原文版小说才有的好康大放送啊!如果你想说「我都已经离开学校、离开英文这么久了,现在开始练习还来得及吗?」当然来得及!大脑学习阅读是有方法的,只要掌握技巧,就可以在短时间内快速提升阅读实力~

