1. Mega 大;百万倍
“Mega” 来自希腊文中的 “megas”(巨大的),在英文的运用之间,也自然的成为「巨大的」(great) 的意思。而在数字的代表中,“mega” 自首的出现是「百万倍」的意思。如果是单独的 “mega” 单字,意思就是「许多」、「非常」。在英文千变万化的转换中,也可以把 “mega” 放在各种不同的字的前面,制造强调的语态。就像我们可以说 “Learning prefixes and have fun at the same time is mega-cool!” (快快乐乐地把英文字首学好超级酷!)
mega 许多;非常
megabuck 一百万美金(口语)
megacity 百万人口以上之城市
Tokyo, Jakarta, Seoul, Delhi, and Shanghai are the most populated megacities in the world.
mega-church 大型教堂
mega-dose 巨型剂量
megahertz 兆赫
megalith 巨石
megalomania 自大狂
好奇「各种狂」的英文怎么讲? >>> 形容各种不同的狂热行为的单字大集合!
megapixel 百万像素
A digital image with insufficient megapixels will appear blurry when it is enlarged.
megastar 巨星
mega-structure 巨型结构
The Three Gorges Dam in China’s Hubei providence is one of the most famous mega-structures in the world.
megaton 百万吨级(核武器威力的计算单位)
A metric ton is one thousand kilograms, and a megaton is the equivalent of one billion kilograms.
megavolt 兆伏
megawatt 兆瓦
2. Pre 在前;预先
在拉丁文中,“pre” 的原型是 “prae”。 “Pre” 在英文中是常见的字首,“prefix” (字首) 这个字本身就是最好的例子! “Pre” 也被运用于形容许多不同与时间、空间、顺序有关的情景。如果看到熟悉的字前面出现 “pre”,通常都可以安全的推理,自首后面的字的意义还保留者,只是增加了「之前」的概念。
preadolescent 青春期前
prearranged 预先安排
People who believe in prearranged marriages don’t always believe romance is an essential component in maintaining a lasting relationship.
precaution 预防;警惕;谨慎
precede 处在……之前
precook 预煮
Before baking the lasagna, the lasagna noodles have to be precooked.
predetermined 预定
The results of the beauty pageant were predetermined because the judges were bribed.
predict 预言;预料;预报
preexist 事先存在
Filling out a health insurance application that request the applicant to list all his preexisting health conditions is a tedious process.
prefabricate 预先制造;预先构思
preface 序言;引言
A new edition of a book with a new preface can bring the readers a new perspective on the story.
prefix 字首;加……作为字首
preheat 预先加热
Preheating the oven is the first step while baking a cake or cookies.
prehistory 史前时代史
prejudgment 在审问之前判决
prejudice 偏见;歧视
Pride and Prejudice is a classic story that teaches us to not judge a person by first impressions.
prekindergarten 学前班
Many language schools also serve as prekindergarten for toddlers.
prepaid 预先付的;已付的
Since digital technology has been offering free and unlimited phone call services, prepaid internationally phone cards are gradually becoming rare.
3. Post 在后面;之后
“Post” 与拉丁文的 “post” 同型,是「后面」(behind) 或者「之后」(after) 的意思。 “Post” 是 “pre” 的相反,也是常常出现的字首。 “Postpone” (延后) 就是具体的例子,还有 “posterior” (尾部的) 也是很好的例子,而 “posterior” 在英文中也幽默的转变为「臀部」的意思。
postcolonial 殖民地时期之后的
Even in the postcolonial eras, the evidence of colonization can be seen throughout Asia.
postdated 以后生效;远期
posterior 后面的;尾部的;背部的;臀部
Many offices are building gyms to encourage employees to exercise, because sitting on one’s posterior all day could be detrimental to one’s health.
postgraduate 大学毕业后的;研究生的
post-industrialism 工业化后
postmodernism 后现代主义
Postmodernism arts and literature genres are often rebellious, daring, and unconventional.
post-modification 修正后
postmortem 死后的;验尸的
postnuptial 结婚后的
postpartum 产后的
postpone 使延期;延迟;延缓
postscript (P.S.) 附笔;又及
postwar 战后
4. Inter 之中;之间
“Inter” 与拉丁文的 “inter” 同型,是「中间」 (between) 或者 「之间」(among) 的意思 。在英文中,有 “inter” 为字首的也表达了「互动」 (interact) 与「介入」 (intervene) 的意思。 “International” 也自然的成为「国际间」,“interracial” 也就是「种族之间」的意思。 “Interstate” 是翻译为「州与州之间」,可是如果是在美国,也是「州际公路」的意思。
interact 互动
intercommunication 互相联系;相互沟通
intercontinental 大陆间的;洲际的
interconnect 使互相连接;使互相联系
intercostal 肋间的
Deep breathing exercises help us strengthen our intercostal muscles between the ribs.
inter-culture 跨文化
interdependent 相互依赖的;互助的
interdisciplinary 跨学科
In special circumstances, many universities would allow the students to develop their own interdisciplinary studies, and create their own majors.
intergalactic 银河间的
interracial 不同人种间的
In the beginning of the 20th century, interracial marriage was still against the law in some first-world nations.
interrelated 有互相关系的
interrelationship 相关关系,相互联系
international 国际性的,国际间的
Globalization, international relations, and transparency of information are making the Millennial generation evolving much faster than the X-Generations, and the Baby Boomers.
interchange 交换,互换
interface 界面,分界面
As social media evolve, our digital lives are becoming essential interfaces that help us interact with each other.
interfere 妨碍;冲突;抵触