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你说「对」话了吗? VT教你用「政治正确」的单字让你文化素养激增!

政治正确的定义为:1. (言行)政治正确的;尤指避免性别(或种族)歧视的:Describes someone who believes that language and actions which could be offensive to others, especially those relating to sex and race, should be avo


1. (言行)政治正确的;尤指避免性别(或种族)歧视的:

Describes someone who believes that language and actions which could be offensive to others, especially those relating to sex and race, should be avoided. (形容有些人认为,某些言语以及行为是可能让别人有被冒犯的感觉,特别是关系到性别以及种族时,更应该避免。)

2. (词语或表达方式)政治正确的:

Describes a word or expression that is used instead of another one to avoid being offensive. (形容特定的某些用词或是表达方式,用来替代某些字词以避免冒犯他人)

政治正确(politically correct,缩写:PC),即「正确的政治观」、意识公道而非意识不公。主要的情形之下,是显示尊重、中立、不侵犯弱势团体的用法,也常见于正式场合中。


你说「对」话了吗? VT教你用「政治正确」的单字让你文化素养激增!


X:steward (男性空服员)、stewardess (女性空服员)

O:flight attendant (空服员)

X:policeman (男性警察)

O:police officer (警察)

X:housewife (家庭主妇)

O:homemaker (创造家庭者)

X:mailman (男性邮差)

O:mail carrier (邮差)

X:chairman (男性主席)

O:chair/ chair person (主席)

X:salesman (男性业务员)

O:salesperson (业务员)

X:businessman (男性企业家)

O:business professional (企业家)


X:handicapped/ disabled (残废)

O:physically challenged (肢体受挑战)/differently abled (不同能力的)/uniquely abled

X:blind (瞎子)

O:visually challenged (视力受挑战)

X:mute/dumb (哑巴)

O:verbally challenged (口语受挑战)

X:deaf (聋子)

O:aurally challenged (听力受挑战)

X:old person / elderly (老人)

O:senior citizens (资深公民)


X:black(黑人)/Negro (黑鬼)

O:African American(非裔美国人)

X:Merry Christmas (圣诞快乐)

O:Happy Holidays (节日快乐)/Season’s Greetings (季节祝福)

