惯用语 意思 例句
get down to business 有言归正传,和开始工作、办正事的意思。 It’s already late. Let’s get down to business.
quite a bargain bargain 有交易、买卖之意,所以quite a bargain 代表你进行了一场很不错的买卖。 It was quite a bargain!
selling point 意思是产品或服务的特色及卖点,不是卖出东西的时间点! What are the selling points of your product?
corner the market corner 是角落的意思,如果一间公司占据了市场每个角落,代表它垄断市场或非常受欢迎。 Our goal is to corner the market nationwide.
in the pipeline 字面指「在输送管中」,引申为事情已经在筹划中或即将发生。 More new products are in the pipeline.
second a motion second在这里当动词,是赞同,motion是提案。所以second a motion就是附议。 I second the motion.
clinch a deal clinch 当动词有决定、确定的意思,因此clinch a deal 就是交易成立、拍板成交。 His final proposal enabled us to clinch the deal.
pick up the tab 承担所有的费用、付帐。 Let me pick up the tab this time.
a down payment 第一笔交款,也就是头期款的意思。 She made a down payment of $200,000 for the house.
shelf life 可以摆在架上的时间,也就是储藏寿命、保存期。 Shelf life : above 10 months
1. get down to business (A) travel to work
(B) start working
2. quite a bargain (A) a good deal
(B) a bad deal
3. selling point (A) argument in favor of a product
(B) sales level reached
4. corner the market (A) manage to enter the market
(B) dominate an area of business
5. in the pipeline (A) currently in progress
(B) under discussion
6. second a motion (A) put something in action
(B) agree with a proposal
7. clinch a deal (A) put an end to discussions
(B) reach an agreement
8. pick up the tab (A) pay the bill
(B) notice the price
9. a down payment (A) a part of the total payment
(B) a reduced payment
10. shelf life (A) use within a certain length of time
(B) place for discarded objects
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Answer: 1. (B) 2. (A) 3. (A) 4. (B) 5. (A) 6. (B) 7. (B) 8. (A) 9. (A) 10. (A)