学生会 students’ association
(X) students’ club
每到了学生会会长选举,各个参选人都使出浑身解术,只为了当上代表学生的领袖啊!你知道「学生会」的英文是什么吗? students’ club!? No no no! students’ club 是「学生社团」的意思,而 students’ association 才是「学生会」的英文说法喔!其中 association 是名词,表「协会」之意。
A: Did you hear that Mike is going to run for president of students’ association?
A: 你有听说 Mike 要选学生会会长吗?
B: Really? Mike?
B: 真假? Mike?
A: I know right. I don’t understand why he thinks he is suitable for the position.
A: 看吧,我不懂为什么他觉得他是和这个职位。
B: He has such a bad reputation among students in our year. What could possible possess him to run …
B: 他在我们这个年级风评这么差,到底是什么让他想要选的…
A: Maybe he just likes the attention.
A: 或许他只是想得到大家的注意。
参加社团 join a club
(X) enter a club
学校里面,最好玩的事情之一就是参加社团啦!你以前是什么社的呢?足球社?篮球社?电影欣赏社?社团活动百百种,你知道「参加社团」的英文该怎么说吗? 「参加」的英文动词要用 join 而不是 enter 喔! enter 通常用在「进入」某个地方,而非参加活动。
A: I’m going to have a gathering for the guys in the club this Friday.
A: 我这星期五晚上要跟社团的男生朋友聚会。
B: Wow, you guys seem pretty tight. Which club is that?
B: 哇,你们感情真好,哪个社团?
A: I joined the basketball club. I’ve made a lot of good friends. were you a member of any clubs at university?
A: 我以前参加篮球社,我在那边认识很多好朋友,你大学有参加什么社团吗?
B: I was in the climbing club, but we all lost touch after graduation. I do miss climbing with them.
B: 登山社,但是自从毕业后我们就没再联络了。还挺想念和他们一起登山的。
A: Call them! Maybe you guys can go climbing again!
A: 打给他们啊!或许你们可以再一起去爬山!
参加比赛 participate in a competition
(X) join a competition
刚刚说到的「参加社团」是用 join,那「参加比赛」也是用 join 吗?各位可千万不要误会啰! 「参加比赛」的英文应该要用 participate in 或 take part in 这两个片语。
A: You’ve been staying late at school a lot recently.
A: 你最近都在学校待到好晚。
B: I’m going to participate in a debating competition, so I’ve staying behind to practice.
B: 我要参加演讲比赛,所以我一直离校练习。
A: Wow, cool! When is the competition?
A: 哇,好酷喔!比赛是何时?
B: Next Friday. But I’ve still got a lot of work to do.
B: 下周五,我还有很多需要努力。
A: I’m sure you’ll do great.
A: 我相信你一定可以做到的。
留校察看 detention
(X) stay after school
你以前曾经在学校犯过错或是考试考不好吗?如果有的话,你应该对留校察看并不陌生,「留校察看」就是放学后留下来做些事情当作惩罚与反省,它的英文可不是 stay after school 这么单纯,其实有一个英文单字可以代表「留校察看」,那就是 detention,这个字也有「拘留」的意思,常见用法为 in detention。
A: Why do you fight with Jack after the English class?
A: 你英文课后为什么跟 Jack 打架?
B: He made fun of me in front the whole class, and I was so angry that I hit him.
B: 他在整个班级面前捉弄我,我太生气了所以打他。
A: Even if he teased you, you shouldn’t hit him. You will receive one day in detention for what you did.
A: 即使他闹你,你也不应该打他,你要为你的行为留校察看一天。
B: Okay… I deserve it.
B: 好…我自作自受。
作弊 cheat on the exam
(X) cheat in the exam
在学校中,有些学生会投机取巧,藉由作弊来拿好成绩,好学生的你可千万不要学啊!但我们可以来学学「作弊」的正确英文说法,可以用动词 cheat 表示,注意后面若要加介系词,要用 on 而不是 in,如下对话举例:
A: The math exam yesterday was so difficult. I definitely got a bad grade on it.
A: 昨天的数学考试好难,我一定考得很差。
B: I feel the same. Maybe we should study together next time.
B: 我也是,下次我们可以一起读书。
A: Ann almost got full marks. Maybe we can ask her to teach us?
A: Ann 差点满分,或许我们可以请她教我们?
B: I’m pretty sure she cheated on that exam. She’s terrible at math!
B: 我很确定我看到她考试作弊,她数学很差的!
A: What!? Get out!
A: 什么! ?真假!
B: She can barely add two and two together. I’m pretty sure that “hearing aid” of hers was a radio.
B: 她可能只会二加二之类的。我很确定她的助听器肯定是个收音机。
说谎 You lied.
(X) You lie.
动词 lie 有「说谎;躺下」的意思,除了用前后文判断意思之外,还可以用三态来判断。当「躺」的时候,其三态是 lie-lay-lain,而当「说谎」时,则是 lie-lied-lied,所以如果要说一个人「说了谎」,英文可以用 You lied. 表示。
A: Where have you been?
A: 你去哪了?
B: I’ve been home since this afternoon.
B: 我从今天下午就待在家里啊。
A: Don’t lie to me! I saw you having coffee with another girl in the cafe! Who is she?
A: 不要说谎!我看到你跟另一个女生在咖啡厅喝咖啡!她是谁?
B: She just a friend to me! Trust me!
B: 她只是我的一个朋友!相信我!