(go) down the rabbit hole
故事一开始,主角爱丽丝掉进一个兔子洞,不断坠落、坠落,好不容易着地却发现自己闯进了一个动物们会开口说话、自己则变大又缩小的奇怪世界。后来随着这部作品越来越畅销,人们就引用 go down a/the rabbit hole 来描述「陷入令人困惑的处境」,或者「进入一个截然不同的世界」般的感受;另外也可以形容对某事「入迷而难以自拔」。
I tried to explain how I usually save my photos on Google Drive, but my grandma seemed completely down the internet rabbit hole.
我试着解释我如何把照片存在 Google 云端硬碟上,但我的祖母仿佛就像掉进网路这个兔子洞般非常困惑。
We’ve all gone down the rabbit hole of binge-watching YouTube videos, even though we often have other more important tasks at hand.
我们都曾经着迷似地连续观赏一堆 YouTube 影片,就算手边还有更重要的事情要做。
to chase the white rabbit
爱丽丝原本就是因为看到一只奇怪的白兔,好奇追上前去才会掉进兔子洞、进入奇幻世界。因此后来 to chase the white rabbit 就被用来形容「追逐不可及的理想、白日梦」,或者描述某人「遭误导而偏离正轨」。不过也有人引用此典故作为正面的描述,可以指「追随理想」或者「尽情发挥创意」。
Many people warned me about how difficult this was, but I decided to chase the white rabbit and work hard for my dreams.
as mad as a hatter
疯帽客 (mad hatter) 是这部作品里非常鲜明的角色,他的个性怪诞粗鲁又疯癫,却也十分坦率真诚,是爱丽丝的仙境冒险里最重要的朋友之一。后来 as mad as a hatter 在口语上就用来形容一个人「个性疯癫」,或者描述某人「做出让大家出乎意料的事情」。如果想开玩笑地形容一个人「真是疯了」,go nuts、go bonkers 这两个片语也很常用喔!
Most of her friends thought she was as mad as a hatter when she quit as a lawyer to become a freelance writer, but now she has tens of thousands of readers following her column every week.
(to grin) like a Cheshire Cat
有看过爱丽丝电影或绘本的人,应该都对咧嘴笑的柴郡猫 (Cheshire Cat) 印象深刻吧!它拥有凭空消失又出现的特异功能,不过就算身体消失了,那抹笑容还是会持续漂浮一阵子。由于这种神出鬼没的形象,(to grin) like a Cheshire cat 就用来形容一个人「狡猾、不可捉摸」或者「调皮、喜欢恶作剧」。意思相近的形容词有 sneaky、cunning、mischievous 等。
I ended up buying nothing from that store because one of the clerks had a smug grin that reminded me of the Cheshire cat.
curiouser and curiouser
形容词 curious 的意思是「古怪的、不寻常的」,比较级应写成 more curious,可是在故事里爱丽丝对整个情况大感困惑,忍不住评论道:curiouser and curiouser,似乎惊讶到英文文法都弄错了。后来人们就沿用 curiouser and curiouser 这个用法,描述某个状况「变得越来越奇怪」,也就是 increasingly strange 的意思。
Jeff told me that he had already sent the schedule modified by Richard to Mary, but Richard insisted that he didn’t change the schedule in the slightest. Curiouser and curiouser…
Jeff 告诉我他已经寄 email 给 Mary 让她看 Richard 最近调整过的时程表,但 Richard 却坚持他根本没动过那张表。这件事变得越来越奇怪了……
queen of hearts
红心皇后 (queen of hearts) 是故事里另一位重要角色,残暴专制的她最常见的台词就是对着士兵大喊 “Off with their heads!” (砍下他们的头!) 因此后来 queen of hearts 就衍生用来形容「控制狂;独裁武断的」,也就是 control freak。意思相近的形容词包含 bossy、commanding、dictating 等,指的都是那种颐指气使的人喔!
I’m done with being on the same team with her! She is a total queen of hearts who simply likes to dominate everything and everyone around her!