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全垒打英文怎么说?热血棒球片语让你把英文说得像母语 (上)

hit a home runhit a home run 字面上的意思是「打出全垒打」,也可以说 hit one out of the park,意思就是把球打出场外,也是全垒打的意思,所以这两个片语都衍伸为「成功的」。With celebrity endorsement, the startup hit a home ru

hit a home run

hit a home run 字面上的意思是「打出全垒打」,也可以说 hit one out of the park,意思就是把球打出场外,也是全垒打的意思,所以这两个片语都衍伸为「成功的」。

With celebrity endorsement, the startup hit a home run with its latest product.


strike out

在球场上,有成功当然也有失败。 strike 除了罢工之外,还有「击 (球);打击」的意思,而在棒球中,strike out 就是「三振出局」,当然就衍伸为「(即使努力但还是) 失败」的意思。

After she struck out on several job interviews, she decided to go on a working holiday to broaden her horizons.


a ball park figure

a ball park figure 的意思是「一个大概的数字;估计的数目」,有一说是因为 ball park 是指「棒球场」,而只要落在棒球场内的球应该都有可能接得到,也就是这些球的情况大概都一样,所以 ball park 就衍伸成「大概的、粗略的」。

全垒打英文怎么说?热血棒球片语让你把英文说得像母语 (上)

Our clients requested a ball park figure of their order.


4. throw sb. a curve (ball)

curve 的意思是「曲线」,在棒球中则是「曲球」,曲球被大联盟列为最难缠的 5 种球种,所以当你对别人丢出曲球,意思就是你「给某人出难题;刁难某人;让某人惊讶」或你「考倒了某人」。

When all family members discussed how to distribute the fortune left by Grandpa, his last words of donating all his money threw them a curve.


be off base

base 是指「垒包」,而 be off base 的意思是「错误的」,因为球员只要离开垒包就很容易被触杀,因而失去得分的机会,所以才会引伸为此意。

Sorry, I have nothing against you, but your logic is way off base!


play hardball

play hardball 可不是玩硬的球,它的意思是「采取强硬的手段;采取强硬的态度」,可以常在政治新闻上面看到这个片语。

The labors played hardball with the managements, striking for reasonable payment.


