all ears
I’m all ears 是全身都是耳朵的意思?当然不是啰! all ears 是指「专心听」,全部耳朵都在准备状态,表示全神贯注在听啰!
Don’t worry, I’m done working on my project, so you can tell me all about yours! I’m all ears!
cost an arm and a leg
要价一条手臂和一条腿?什么意思?别急,先听听以下的起源故事,相信你会对这个惯用语印象深刻!一个较广泛流传的说法指出,当年第二次世界大战时,许多士兵不是失去胳膊就是腿,对他们来说,失去 an arm and a leg 是非常惨痛的代价!所以啰,cost an arm and a leg 就引申成「很昂贵」的意思!
I really want to get an iPhone, but the iPhone XS costs an arm and a leg!
我真的很想买 iPhone,可是 iPhone XS 好贵呀!
face the music
指「承担后果」,通常是指「接受批评或惩罚」。这个惯用语有很多不同版本的来源故事,其中最被广泛接受的是,以前的士兵如果被军队开除,通常在「欢送」对方的同时,军队乐团会演奏一段乐曲,告知大家被开除的对象,很侮辱人吧! face the music 就是指士兵的处境。
It’s already past curfew, and the children are still out. When they get back, they’ll have to face the music.
get something off one’s chest
You seem distracted. What’s on your mind? Do you need to get something off your chest?
have one’s head in the clouds
反义词 (antonym): have one’s feet on the ground; be down-to-earth
Bob dreams about becoming president without putting in any hard work. He clearly has his head in the clouds.
play something by ear
用耳朵玩?其实是指「做事没有计画」,有点「船到桥头自然直」的意味。这句惯用语的起源和音乐有关,表示依照之前听过的印象,而不看谱就演奏。常听到人家说 play it by ear,就是「见机行事」的意思。
Do you have any contingency plan if our proposal is rejected? Or are you just gonna play it by ear?
thick in the head
这个说法表示「愚笨、不懂得变通、迟钝」的意思。觉得某人很难沟通时,可以说对方 thick in the head;或是说 You’re really quite thick, aren’t you? 要小心使用这句话唷,因为真的不太礼貌!
I’ve explained this a hundred times already! God, you are so thick in the head.
wash one’s hands of something
Natasha’s sick of the whole money laundering scheme, so she’s washing her hands of it.
see eye to eye
难道指看对眼?当然不是啦!是「想法一致、同意」的意思喔!有种对看之后,了然于心的感觉。若是指在某事情上达成共识,就可以用 see eye to eye on sth. 这个句型。
The presidents of these two countries don’t always see eye to eye, but they must cooperate for the benefit of their countries.
cold feet
Every time I try to make an appointment with the dentist, I always get cold feet and cancel.