1. agree with + 人 / 事同意(某人或某事)
I don’t agree with your opinion.
2. excel at + 事 精于(某事)
在形容谁的什么技能很厉害,除了用 good at ,还可以用 excel at 喔!
Maggie has excelled at math since she was little.
Maggie 从小数学就很好。
3. insist upon/on + 事坚持(某事)
Amy insisted on staying with us.
Amy 坚持要跟我们一起留下。
4. believe in + 事相信(某事)
Sam doesn’t believe in God, so he doesn’t observe religious holidays.
Sam 不信神,所以他不过节。
5. apologize to 人 for 事为(某事)向(某人)道歉
Edward apologized to Bella for the mean words he said.
Edward 为他所说的话向 Bella 道歉。
6. count on + 人依靠(某人)
Bruno Mars 的 Count on me 就是这个片语!大家可以去听听这首歌,相信很快就可以背起来了!
You can count on me. I’ll do whatever I can to help you.
7. fight against + 人 / 事反抗(某人或某事)
fight for + 事争取(某事)
The government is fighting against the terrorists.
Nowadays, people all over the world are fighting for their freedom.
8. prepare for + 事准备(某事)
Have you prepared for the exam tomorrow?
9. apply for + 公司申请 (公司)
apply to + 学校申请(学校)
这里要注意一点,虽然中文都是申请,但是 apply 后的介系词不同,所接的申请的单位也不同喔!
I applied for a job in a star-up company last week.
Sarah has applied to six colleges already.
Sarah 已经向六所大学提出申请了。
10. go for + 物 想要(某物)
I could go for Thai food tonight.
11. blame 人 for + 事为(某事)责怪(某人)
You should not blame your daughter for this accident. She is innocent.