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【实用英文】50 组常见易混淆单字大集合,下次别再搞混它们啦!

1. angle 角度 (n.);angel 天使 (n.)2. accent 口音 (n.);ascent 上升 (n.)I like David Beckham so much because I think his British accent is so sexy.我很喜欢大卫贝克汉,因为我觉得他的英国口音很性感。It took us six hours to

1. angle 角度 (n.);angel 天使 (n.)

2. accent 口音 (n.);ascent 上升 (n.)

I like David Beckham so much because I think his British accent is so sexy.


It took us six hours to climb to the top. The last part of ascent was steep.


3. adapt 适合、适应 (v.);adopt 采用、收养 (v.)

He tried hard to adapt himself to the new school.


Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have three adopted children and three of their own.


4. beer 啤酒 (n.);bear 熊 (n.)

5. bazaar 市场、市集 (n.);bizarre 奇怪的 (adj.)

通常 bazaar 是指中东的市集

6. besides 此外、而且 (adv.);beside 在旁边 (prep.)

What else do you want besides coke?


You just have to turn right here, and you’ll see the train station. It’s beside McDonald’s.


7. break 打破、弄坏 (v.);brake 煞车 (n.)(v.)

8. command 命令 (n.)(v.);common 普通、常见的 (adj.)

9. complete 完整的 (adj.);compete 竞争 (v.)

10. content 满足 (v.)(adj.)、内容 (n.);context 上下文 (n.)

11. contract 合约 (n.)(v.);contrast 对照、反差 (n.)(v.)

The Dodgers signed Scott Kazmir to a three-year contract.


In contrast to diligent bees, butterflies seem to fly around without a clear purpose.


【实用英文】50 组常见易混淆单字大集合,下次别再搞混它们啦!

12. custom 传统、海关 (n.);costume 戏服、服装 (n.)

13. decent 像样的、正派的 (adj.);dissent 不同意 (n.)(v.)

I’ve never had a decent meal since I arrived.


The CEO of this company believes healthy disagreements create more productive discussions, so dissent is actually welcomed.


14.desert 沙漠 (n.)、抛弃 (v.);dessert 甜点 (n.)

desert 当名词是沙漠,重音在第一音节,第一个 e 发短母音 [ɛ] ,点我听发音。

注意! desert 当动词是,重音在第二音节,第一个 e 发 [ɪ],发音跟 dessert 甜点相同,点我听发音。

She thinks all her friends have deserted her, but it’s not true.


After dinner, we had frozen yogurt as our dessert.


15. diary 日记 (n.);dairy 乳制品 (n.)

16. die 死亡 (n.);dye 染色 (n.)(v.)

17. envelop 包住、盖住 (v.);envelope 信封 (n.)

18. except 除了 (prep.)(conj.);expect 预期 (v.)

I like all my classmates except Amy. She’s rude to everyone.

我喜欢所有的同学,除了 Amy。她对大家都很无礼。

After one-week preparation, I expect all of you are ready for the final exam.


19. expensive 昂贵的 (adj.);expansive 广阔的 (adj.)

20. farther 更远的 (adj.);father 父亲 (n.)

21. flash 闪烁 (v.)、闪光 (n.);flesh 果肉 (n.)

22. here 这里 (adv.);hear 听到 (v.)

23. latter 后者 (adj.);letter 信 (n.)

I didn’t like this movie. The latter part was kind of boring.


She is so happy because she just received a letter from Santa.


24. lessen 减轻 (v.);lesson 课程 (n.)

25. loose 宽松的 (adj.);lose 失去、输 (v.)

26. mansion 大厦、宅邸 (n.);mention 提及 (v.)

27. mental 心理的 (adj.);metal 金属 (n.)

I think he has some mental problems and needs to go to the doctor.


Gold, silver and platinum are precious metals.


28. moral 道德上的 (adj.);morale 士气、志气 (n.)

29. paper 纸张 (n.);pepper 胡椒盐 (n.)

30. patient 病人 (n.)、有耐心的 (adj.);passion 热情 (n.)

This teacher is patient to his students and liked by all the students.

这位老师对他的学生很有耐心 也很受学生喜爱。

I have no passion for playing the piano. Stop pushing me.


31. peace 和平 (n.);piece 一张、一片 (n.)

Everyone wants to live in a world of peace.


I can finish this task within an hour. It’s a piece of cake for me.


注:a piece of cake 直翻是「一块蛋糕」,口语用法表示「轻而易举的事」。

32. pedal 踏板 (n.)、踩踏板 (v.);petal 花瓣 (n.)

33. peer 同侪、同辈 (n.);pier 码头 (n.)

34. plain 朴素的 (adj.)、平原 (n.);plan 计画 (n.)(v.)

plain 当形容词是朴素的,当名词是平原的意思。

These plain shirts are on sale. I want to get one.


The great Plains lies west of the Mississippi River and east of Rocky Mountains.


the Great Plains 是北美大平原,是一个地名,所以是一个单数名词。

Plans can never keep up with changes.


35. principal 校长 (n.)、主要的 (adj.);principle 原则 (n.)

36. quite 相当 (adv.);quiet 安静的 (adj.)

37. sheep 绵羊 (n.);ship 船舰 (n.)

38. single 单一的、单身的;signal 讯号 (n.)、发出信号 (v.)

39. snack 点心 (n.);snake 蛇 (n.)

Can I have some snacks? I’m starving.


This kid was frightened by a snake and couldn’t stop crying for the next thirty minutes.


40. stationery 文具 (n.);stationary 不动的 (adj.)

41. steal 偷窃 (v.);steel 钢铁 (n.)

42. suite 套房 (n.);suit 套装 (n.)

suite 是套房的意思,饭店的总统套房就叫做 presidential suite,suite 发音跟 sweet 一样。

suit 是套装的意思,跟 suite 只差一个 e,但发音很不同,这边的 ui 发 [u] 的音。

43. sweet 甜的、亲爱的 (adj.);sweat 汗水 (n.)、流汗 (v.)

44. though 虽然 (conj.);through 穿过、通过 (prep.)(adv.)

Though she is pretty, not many people want to make friends with her.


The Seine River runs through Paris and ends at the English Channel.


45. track 轨道、足迹 (n.)、追踪 (v.);tract 大片土地 (n.)

46. trip 旅程 (n.)、绊倒 (v.);trap 陷阱 (n.)、设陷阱 (v.)

47. waist 腰部 (n.);waste 浪费 (v.)

She tied a plaid shirt around her waist.


I wasted all weekend on this lame TV show.


48. warm 温暖的 (adj.);worm 虫子 (n.)、蠕动(v.)

49. weak 虚弱的 (adj.);week 周 (n.)

50. weather 天气 (n.);whether 是否 (conj.)

What’s the weather like today?


I was wondering whether you’ll come to the party tonight.


