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hit the hay 不是叫你去打干草! 10 个花草植物俚语

花草相关俚语大公开:olive branch 和平olive branch 字面意思为「橄榄枝」,而「橄榄枝」会象征和平,是源于古希腊罗马时代。 olive branch 可配合动词 hold out、offer、extend 使用,例如 hold out an olive branch「希望和解、停战」


olive branch 和平

olive branch 字面意思为「橄榄枝」,而「橄榄枝」会象征和平,是源于古希腊罗马时代。 olive branch 可配合动词 hold out、offer、extend 使用,例如 hold out an olive branch「希望和解、停战」。

After having a big fight, my dad held out an olive branch to my mom by offering to give her a massage.


flowery speech 华而不实的辞藻

flowery 意思为「多花的」、「华丽的」,然而用在形容他人说话则含有贬义,表示言词充满华丽字句却缺乏实质内容。

Rather than always using flowery speech, sometimes simple and clear language does a better job of getting your point across.


hit the hay 不是叫你去打干草! 10 个花草植物俚语

hit the hay 睡觉

hay 的意思是「干草」。以前西方社会的床是用干草制成,因此 hit the hay 表示「去睡觉」,另外也有 hit the sack 讲法,因为 sack 有「麻布睡袋」的含义。

I’m gonna pick up my sister tomorrow at 6 am at the airport, so it’s time to hit the hay.

我明天早上 6 点要去机场接姊姊,所以是时候去睡觉了。

gild the lily 多此一举

gild 的意思为「镀金」,因此 gild the lily 就像在百合花上镀金一样,添增华丽却掩盖百合原有的美,便是多此一举。

Your headband is already gorgeous, adding other hair accessories would be gilding the lily.


lead someone up the garden path 故意欺骗


The taxi driver led us up the garden path and took a detour.


make hay 把握良机

这个俚语完整句子是 Make hay while the sun shines.「趁有太阳时晒干草」,意思就是要把握良机做事,在机会消失前充分地利用它,跟另个俗语 Strike while the iron is hot. 「打铁趁热」含义相近,基本上就是要你 grasp the opportunity「抓住机会」啦!

Since my parents will be on a business trip for three days, let’s make hay and throw a party!


come up roses 结果成功顺利

come up 的意思为「出现」,而玫瑰象征「美好」,因此 come up roses 合在一起表示结果成功顺利,另外还有个俚语 bed of roses 则是形容美满生活。

I was feeling pretty down on my luck, but as of a couple of weeks ago, everything’s coming up roses!


Touch wood / knock on wood 坏运走开

英式用法是 touch wood,而美式则是 knock on wood。通常用在讲完一件好事之后,希望这状态持续下去,而不是被乌鸦嘴导致厄运,比如有人说他从来没住过院,若是他怕讲这句话引来坏运,就可以赶快说 touch wood 以防未来生大病。

这俚语有不同传说典故,「摸木头」的理由其中一种说法是好精灵住在树里,所以要摸树木,希望精灵保护他们,另一种说法与基督教有关,因为耶稣被钉的十字架是木制的,因此要摸木头祈求保佑。通常人们在说 touch wood 的时候会真的敲木桌子或是木制品,这让小 V 想起一位朋友某次说 touch wood 然后敲桌子,结果发现桌子是塑胶的,接着说:Oh this is not wood. 哈哈。

I’ve never been caught skipping class. Touch wood!


watch grass grow 极度无聊

就像在看着草缓慢长高一样,watch grass grow 形容一件事情极度无聊。

Even though her whole family loves watching football, Mary thinks the Super Bowl is like watching grass grow.


the grass is always greener 外国的月亮比较圆

这个俚语原本整句为 The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.「篱笆另一侧的草地永远比较绿」,意思为总是觉得别人拥有的东西比较好,工作比你顺利,生活处境比你富足,也相似于中文俗语「外国的月亮比较圆」。

One must not desire what others have but cherish one’s current life for the grass is always greener on the other side.


