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KILL 不只是「杀」的意思!快来看其他活泼有趣的口语用法!

Kill 除了「杀」的意思外,还有什么用法?1. Kill:猎获物(名词)“Kill” 是「杀」,「猎杀」,与「屠杀」的意思。如果猎人或者捕食性动物已经达到目标,所获取的猎物也是叫 “kill”。In the wilderness, cheetahs hide their kills o

Kill 除了「杀」的意思外,还有什么用法?

1. Kill:猎获物(名词)

“Kill” 是「杀」,「猎杀」,与「屠杀」的意思。如果猎人或者捕食性动物已经达到目标,所获取的猎物也是叫 “kill”。

In the wilderness, cheetahs hide their kills on the treetops to prevent the hyenas from taking their hard-earned meals.


2. Kill time:消磨,打发多余的时间

“Kill time” 的解释很简答,就是手上的时间太多了 (too much time on one’s hands) 要想办法找点事做。

Kristopher had worked diligently for forty years. After he retired, he realized that if he stays home all the time, the long stretches of time are too difficult to kill. So he started doing volunteer work, and became much happier to help others on a daily basis.


KILL 不只是「杀」的意思!快来看其他活泼有趣的口语用法!

3. Kill the word, phrase, paragraph, or story:


在写作与编辑的领域中 “kill” 是删除的意思,也代表作者原本的用词是不可能被影刷或发表了。

The young journalist was extremely disappointed that her story about the truth behind pharmaceutical companies was killed by the editor in chief. But her coworkers told her that it will only happen again, and she cannot stop writing because of small setbacks.


4. You are killing me:你把我打败了

当一方说他人或者一件事是 “killing me” 时,是一种幽默的讲法,来表达对方的耍宝或者自我呈现的方式让当事人无法应付,筋疲力尽,完全被打败的意思。

Kyra and Kerry went to see their friend, Karl, perform at a comedy club. The show caused so much laugher, after the show, at the restaurant, they had to beg Karl to stop telling anymore jokes, because he was killing them.


5. Buzzkill / joykill:扫兴,杀风景,泼冷水的人

“Buzz” 许多不同的意义,像是蜜蜂的嗡嗡叫,嘈杂声,还有喝酒享乐时,愉悦的陶醉感。 ”Buzzkill” 或者 “joykill” 都是俏皮的讲法,用来形容无趣的人,在别人玩的高兴时还不让他们尽兴。

Kaitlyn is known as the buzzkill character in her dormitory, because she is always studying, and demanding everyone to be quiet. Nevertheless, after the midterms, she became more relaxed, while the ones who did poorly on the exams stopped staying out every night.


6. Kill them with kindness:用善意伤害他人

“Kill them with kindness” 可以解释为有心或者无心的用过多的善意来伤害他人。就像老师太纵容学生会影响他们的教育,父母过多的照顾小孩会让他们在社会上无法生存。

Karen is preparing to open up her own bakery. Every time she tries a new recipe, she would give the fresh and mouthwatering pastries to her friends, and ask them for feedbacks. Although they immensely enjoy the treats, after a while, as the carbohydrate became extra pounds on the scale, they all have to ask her to stop killing them with kindness.


7. Move in for the kill / go in for the kill:逼近目标,直到达到目的

在谈判与辩论时,“move in for the kill” 是表示有一方的弱点出现了,而另一方已经准备好利用最佳时机,达到优势与目的,而不是要与对方打起来了。

Ken is a headhunter for mega-corporations, For years, he has wanted to recruit Keira, an excellent management specialist. As soon as he heard that Keira was overlooked in a recent promotion at her current company, he immediately moved in for the kill, and offered her a title and a benefit package that she couldn’t refuse.


