脚踏实地 down-to-earth
Becoming down-to-earth is a subtle but difficult task.
心不在焉 absent-minded
I’ve noticed that Tom was absent-minded in the meeting this morning.
我有注意到在今早的会议中 Tom 心不在焉。
三心二意 be of two minds
I’m of two minds whether or not to take the job.
不择手段 stop at nothing
Jason will stop at nothing to win this competition.
Jason 为了在这场比赛中取得胜利可以不择手段。
袖手旁观 sit on the sidelines / watch from the sidelines
Amy could only watch from the sidelines as her brother’s health deteriorated.
Amy 只能眼睁睁地看着她弟弟的健康恶化下去。
坐立难安 have ants in one’s pants
I have ants in my pants because the interview is coming up in 10 minutes.
我现在坐立难安,因为再过 10 分钟后面试就要开始了。
乱七八糟 at sixes and sevens
My kids always leave their rooms at sixes and sevens.
拐弯抹角 beat around the bush
Don’t beat around the bush – get to the point!
井然有序 in apple-pie order
My house is always in apple-pie order.
笨手笨脚 be all thumbs
I’m all thumbs today. I’ve dropped my cell phone several times this morning.