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学会下面五个单字,先来聊聊抄袭的说法:Plagiarism (n.) 抄袭;抄袭品动词为 plagiarize 形容「剽窃」的行为。在此作为名词,可以形容抄袭的行为或是抄袭而来的作品。The university decided to fire that professor for committing pla


Plagiarism (n.) 抄袭;抄袭品

动词为 plagiarize 形容「剽窃」的行为。在此作为名词,可以形容抄袭的行为或是抄袭而来的作品。

The university decided to fire that professor for committing plagiarism and falsifying data.


Rip off (v.) 猛地撕掉;窃取 

Rip 动词本身为描述「快入撕下或划破;复制」的行为,除此之外在这里表示为「强行窃取,未经同意的盗用赚取私利」某件事物。如果是以 rip someone off 的句型,则解释为「敲某人竹杠,占其便宜」的意思。

He rips stuff off from pharmacies to sustain his drug addiction.


Originality (n.) 原创性

Original 为形容词,表示为「独一无二,独具创造性的」,加上 -ity 作为名词,解释为创作者的「独创性」。

Originality measures the ability to produce ideas that are totally new or unique.


Copyright infringement (n.) 侵犯版权

Copyright 为各种「智慧财产权,著作权」的总称,包含如复制、演绎、公开展演权等。 Infringement 则是指任何「法律或规定上的违反」,在此两者组合解释为对他人版权的侵犯行为。

It is a criminal offense for a person to conduct willful copyright infringement.


Royalty (n.) 版权费;版税

Royalty 虽然也指「皇室成员,皇室家族」的意思,但在此表示为类似为了享有他人财物的优先使用权而需支付的费用,例如专利使用费、创作品的版税、土地开采费、租用费等。

According to our contract, we will receive a 10% royalty for each copy sold.

根据我们的合约,我们每卖出一份都可收取 10% 的版税。


学会了以上关于抄袭的相关词汇后,接下来让我们来看看 Ashley 与 Chris 对于抄袭新闻的看法:

Ashley: What do you think of these two pictures? Don’t you think they look exactly the same? I hate to see this kind of plagiarism where it’s just ripping off the originality of its creator.


Chris: I totally agree. The only difference here is probably the colors. Has the creator filed a formal lawsuit for copyright infringement yet?


Ashley: I hope so. The second artist has made an official announcement on her social media page this morning denying the accusations. She admitted using the materials as a reference, but the creation of the new piece is entirely her own interpretation.


Chris: If that’s the case, why do the designs look identical? Some kind of coincidence!


接下来学会 5 个单字,来聊盗图跟版权:

Appropriation (n.) 挪用,盗用

Appropriation 除了「为某目的特别拨款」的意义外,也表示将他人财物「据为己有,盗用」的意涵。

He lost his job when he was found responsible for the appropriation of company funds.


Violation (n.) 侵犯;违背

Violate 为其动词形态,皆表示对于法律、协议、原则的违背与侵犯的意涵。通常会在后方加上 of 连接侵犯的法律或原则,例如 violation of human rights(侵犯人权)、violation of international law(违反国际法)等。

She’s claiming that his newly-released single is a violation of her intellectual property.


Portrait rights (n.) 肖像权

Portrait 指个人的肖像, rights 为权利,通常在泛指一个领域的权利时,会以复数表示,例如 women’s rights(妇女权利)、civil rights(公民权)。肖像权是指肖像的任何主体对其肖像、个人形象、外表、个人特征或其它个人属性的权利,尤其在商业用途上的独有权。

Everyone captured on photograph or video is automatically entitled to portrait rights.


Freebooting (n.) 盗取他人创作而牟利

原意来自荷兰语中「掠夺,洗劫」的意思。现在则专指截取他人网路媒体上的图像等创作,重新上传到自己的空间,并借此不劳而获得到流量或关注,从中牟利的违法行为。同样有类似单字起源的,还有 pirate 这个动名词。原本是指海上掠夺财物、蛮横无理的海盗们,而后衍生出盗取他人智慧财产创作、非法复制贩卖谋取利益的行为。

Someone reposted my video to their YouTube channel, and now their copy went viral. I can’t believe they’re freebooting me like this!

有人将我的视频转发到他们的 YouTube 频道,现在他们的版本竟然人气窜升。我不敢相信他们会像这样盗取我的创作!

Crib (v.) 抄袭,剽窃;作弊

Crib 作为名词还有「婴儿床;温馨的小窝」的意思,但同时在口语中也有「仿冒品,抄袭」全然不同的解释。和 copy、plagiarize 相比,crib 较不正式而情节比较轻微。

I wonder which artist he cribbed that crazy idea from.


接下来,也来看看 Amanda 和 Chris 对于盗图的不同看法:

Amanda: I love this picture! I will definitely order the poster and hang it on my wall.


Chris: Haven’t you seen the news? The artist was accused of appropriation and violation of portrait rights.


Amanda: I have heard about it. But I also read that he has purchased the picture from a credible stock website with commercial use authorization.

Amanda: 我听说了。但我也读到,他是从一个可靠的图库网站购买了这张照片的商业用途授权。

Chris: Really? I still feel very doubtful about him. He had been suspected of freebooting in the past on several occasions.


Amanda: Well, I believe that many good works came from imitating or learning of other inspiration. If he’s using a legitimate resource to express his original ideas and talent, we should support that!


