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Penny 看到 Jennifer 居然可以边听音乐边玩游戏,便问道…Penny: How are you still able to keep listening to YouTube while playing the game?Penny: 为什么妳可以边玩手机边听 YouTube 啊?Jennifer: Because I’m using YouTube’s

Penny 看到 Jennifer 居然可以边听音乐边玩游戏,便问道…

Penny: How are you still able to keep listening to YouTube while playing the game?

Penny: 为什么妳可以边玩手机边听 YouTube 啊?

Jennifer: Because I’m using YouTube’s streaming service, YouTube Premium.

Jennifer: 这是 YouTube 自己的串流服务,叫做 YouTube Premium。

Penny: Oh, so that’s why you can play videos in the background. What else do you get with a subscription?

Penny: 噢,所以妳才可以在背景播放影片,那订阅的话还有什么功能?

Jennifer: Members can enjoy ad-free videos, so you won’t be interrupted by annoying ads.

Jennifer: 会员不用再看广告,所以就不会被恼人的广告打断。

Penny: That’s a big selling point!

Penny: 这是很大的卖点耶!

Jennifer: Moreover, you can download videos to your mobile devices for offline listening.

Jennifer: 除此之外,妳还可以下载音乐到妳的行动装置离线收听。

Penny: Do you think it is worth paying for?

Penny: 那妳觉得值得付费吗?

Jennifer: I would say yes because I’m a YouTube addict!

Jennifer: 我会说我觉得很值得,因为我是 YouTube 重度使用者!

streaming service (n.) 串流服务

stream 原本是「小河;溪流」的意思,近年来衍伸为 streaming 则是「串流」的意思,它的原理就是将影音资料压缩后,透过网路分段传送给用户,就像溪流分支一样。因此 streaming service 就称为「串流服务」,streaming media 则是「串流媒体」。


Streaming services have been gradually replacing cable TV.


ad-free (adj.) 无广告的

ad 是 advertisement (广告) 的缩写,ad-free 就是「无广告的」,字尾 -free 就是指「免…的;无…的」,例如:duty-free (免税的)、gluten-free (无麸质的)、sugar-free (无糖的)。

This online dictionary is ad-free!


selling point (n.) 卖点

一个成功的产品总会有「卖点」,它的英文很直接,就是 selling point。

The biggest selling point of this laptop is its touch screen.


下课时间,Jennifer 发现 Penny 的精神很差…

Jennifer: You were nodding off for the whole class! Didn’t you sleep well last night?

Jennifer: 妳刚刚整堂课都在打瞌睡!妳昨天没睡好吗?

Penny: I binge-watched an entire season of Stranger Things last night.

Penny: 我昨晚追完了一整季的《怪奇物语》。

Jennifer: You signed up for Netflix?

Jennifer: 妳注册 Netflix 了喔?

Penny: Yeah, and now I know why streaming services are so popular. You can watch movies or TV series whenever and wherever you want.

Penny: 对啊,现在我终于知道为什么串流服务这么受欢迎了。不论何时何地,妳都可以用手机看电影、看影集。

Jennifer: That’s true. Nowadays, no one is tied to a TV schedule anymore!

Jennifer: 没错,现在大家不用再被电视的节目表绑住了!

Penny: And it’s quite affordable! If you get the family plan you can share your account with up to four people. 

Penny: 而且价钱也是负担得起的!妳可以选择家庭方案的话就可以和四个人一起用。

Jennifer: Thanks for your information–but I still prefer reading!

Jennifer: 谢谢妳提供的资讯啦,但我还是比较喜欢看书!

小 V 的朋友就像 Penny 一样,追剧追到黑眼圈都回不去啦!

binge-watch (v.) 追剧

binge 是指「无节制的行为」,相信大家看影集时,都有看着看着就天亮了的经验,这种疯狂的「追剧」就叫 binge-watch。

My brother binge-watched all of The Lord of the Rings movies last night.


sign up (phr.) 注册;报名参加

sign 当动词时意思是「签名;签约」,动词片语 sign up 可以指在网站上「注册」,或「报名参加」某活动,常搭配介系词 for。易混淆片语 sign in 则是「登入」,意思同于 log in。

Don’t sign up for that online shopping website! Your personal data will get stolen!


family plan (n.) 家庭方案

许多串流平台都有不同的付费方案 (pricing plan),「家庭方案」就直接称作 family plan,「学生方案」则是 student plan。

If you choose the family plan, you get up to six accounts for only 14.99 USD a month.

如果选择家庭方案,你每个月只需要付 14.99 美元就可以有 6 个帐号。

