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Bob 的班打算替毕业典礼拍一部短片,他身为制片要做的事情很多,所以找上 Sofia 帮忙…Bob: Sofia, I need your help.Bob:Sofia,我需要妳的帮忙。Sofia: Sure, what with?Sofia:怎么啦?Bob: Our class wants to shoot a movie for a

Bob 的班打算替毕业典礼拍一部短片,他身为制片要做的事情很多,所以找上 Sofia 帮忙…

Bob: Sofia, I need your help.


Sofia: Sure, what with?


Bob: Our class wants to shoot a movie for a short film competition. I’m its producer, which means I’ve got so much to do!


Sofia: Don’t worry, I’ll help you. What’s the first thing you need to do?


Bob: First, I need to find a scriptwriter to write the script. It doesn’t have to be an original story. A book adaption would be okay as well.


Sofia: Okay, let me write it down and we’ll do it step by step. (Sofia takes out her notebook)

Sofia:好,让我记下来,然后我们一步步来。 (拿出笔记本)

Bob: And then we need to raise money for props and costumes.


scriptwriter (n.) 编剧

scriptwriter 的中文是「编剧」,这个单字由两个名词组成,分别是 script (剧本) 和 writer (作家),合在一起就是「写剧本的人」。

My dream is to become a famous Hollywood scriptwriter.


script (n.) 剧本

script 的中文是「剧本」,文中提到两种类型的剧本:original script (原创剧本) 和 adaptation (改编)。

Celtx is a free software for script writing.

Celtx 是一个用来撰写剧本的免费软体。

This movie was an adaptation of a novel of the same name.


= this movie was adapted from a novel of the same name.



props (n.) 道具

名词 prop 的中文为「道具」,一般写作复数形 props。有趣的是,在美国俚语当中,props 则有对某人的「尊重」之意。

The only props used in the play Waiting for Godot are a tree and a chair.



Sofia: Okay… (taking notes). How about the actors? Has anyone agreed to take part yet?

Sofia:好… (记笔记) 演员呢?演员都找好了吗?

Bob: Yes, we already got some people who are willing to perform, but I suppose we’ll discuss it more once we have the script.


Sofia: How about a double? You know, like a body double or a stunt double!


Bob: Haha, I don’t think there’s going to be any sex scenes or stunts, so we probably won’t need any. 


Sofia: For sure. But we should at least have some understudies.


Bob: Of course.


Sofia: (taking notes) Ah! I’ve got a great idea! How about we ask our teacher to make a cameo?

Sofia:(记笔记) 啊!我想到一个好点子!如果我们找老师来客串呢?

Bob: That would be interesting!


毕业典礼的影片找老师来客串一定很适合! Sofia 真的帮了 Bob 大忙!

double (n.) 替身

double 一般常作为形容词或动词,表示「双倍的」或「加倍」,但在这里它是名词,意思是「替身」。文中 Sofia 提到 body double,中文为「裸替」,指裸体场景中、为演员出演裸体场景的替身,stunt double 则是「特技替身」,专门出现在特技场景,代替演员做出特技动作,其中 stunt 中文即是「特技」。

I’d like double lettuce in my burger, please.


Gary kept boasting about acting in a Hollywood movie, but in reality he was just a body double for a supporting actor.

Gary 一直在吹嘘自己演过好莱坞电影,但实际上他只是片中一位配角的裸替。

understudy (n.) 替角

understudy 的中文为「替角」,字面上看来由 under 和 study 两个字所组成,有一种「暗地里、在幕后学习」的感觉,很符合「替角」一词,替角时常需要在幕后背台词以备不时之需。

Jimmy was disappointed because he didn’t get the lead role, and had to make do with being an understudy instead.

Jimmy 很失望没有被选为主角,只好变成替角。

cameo (n.) 客串

cameo 的中文为「客串角色」,指的是电影中担任小配角或只是出场露个面的知名演员、名人。

Stan Lee often made cameo appearances in Marvel movies.

Stan Lee 经常客串《漫威》电影。

