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Henry 上周末开车出去玩时,在路上遭遇了许多意想不到的事,来听听是哪些事吧!Henry: Bob, you’ll never guess what happened to me last weekend.Henry:Bob,你绝对想不到我上周末怎么了。Bob: Oh yeah? What’s up?Bob:喔?怎样了

Henry 上周末开车出去玩时,在路上遭遇了许多意想不到的事,来听听是哪些事吧!

Henry: Bob, you’ll never guess what happened to me last weekend.


Bob: Oh yeah? What’s up?


Henry: I got three tickets during my trip to Hualien. Crazy, huh?


Bob: Wait, what? Did you drive drunk or something?

Bob:等等,什么! ?你是酒驾还是怎样! ?

Henry: Gosh, no! Let me tell you what happened. The first one was for breaking the speed limit. You know how I love listening to rock music while driving?


Bob: Sure, I remember you blasting Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” the last time you gave me a ride.

Bob:知道啊,我记得你上次载我的时候边开车边听皇后的 Bohemian Rhapsody。

Henry: You know me too well! Okay, so I turned on my beloved Queen when I drove onto the freeway. The music was loud and I started to sing along, so I just kind of… forgot about the speed limit.

Henry:你太懂我了。好,所以我在开上高速公路时放了最爱的皇后。音乐很大声,我开始跟着唱,所以我就… 忘了注意速限了。

ticket (n.) 罚单

ticket 除了可以指「车票;门票」,还能够指「罚单」,如:speeding ticket (超速罚单)。


Tommy got a speeding ticket.

Tommy 因为超速收到罚单。

收到罚单要缴罚单,也就是 pay the ticket。

Tommy paid the ticket online.

Tommy 在线上缴罚单。

drive drunk (phr.) 酒驾

drunk 在这里为形容词,意思是「酒醉的」,用来表示开车 (drive) 的时候当下的状态是酒醉的,而 drunk driving 则为名词。若要提醒他人「不要酒驾」,则可以用 Don’t drink and drive. 这句话。

Danny drove home drunk and crashed his car.

Danny 喝醉开车回家然后撞毁了他的车。

Taiwan introduced a zero-tolerance policy on drunk driving in 2019.

台湾在 2019 年通过了酒驾零容忍的政策。

另外也可以用 drive under the influence 表示「酒驾」,influence 的意思为「影响」,这句指的是「在酒精的影响下开车」,即为「酒驾」。

Anyone found driving under the influence will lose their license.


break the speed limit 开车超速

speed 意指「速度」,speed limit 为「限速」,break the speed limit 即是「超速」的意思。

Tommy was breaking the speed limit when the police told him to pull over.

Tommy 开车超速,被警察要求靠边停车。

freeway (n.) 高速公路

freeway 是指跨城市的「高速公路」,而 highway 则是一般市区的高速道路。

There’s no speed limit on the freeways in Germany.


所以 Henry 另外两张罚单是怎么来的呢?我们继续看下去!

Bob: And what about the other two tickets?


Henry: Ah, yes. The second one was for running a red light.


Bob: Man, how many red light tickets have you gotten so far?


Henry: this will be my… fourth! But this time was different! I was trying to avoid a jaywalking squirrel! Before I knew it, I’d already gone through the lights…

Henry:我想这是我的第… 四张!不过这一次不一样!我是为了避开一只乱过马路的松鼠!等我注意到,我就已经错过了红绿灯…

Bob: Okay. That’s… dumb. And your third ticket?

Bob:好哦… 好笨… 那你的第三张罚单呢?

Henry: (seems embarrassed) Well… you know that movie Fast and Furious?

Henry:(看起来很不好意思) 那个… 你知道《玩命关头》那部电影吧?

Bob: What!? Street racing in Hualien!?

Bob:什么! ?你在花莲街头飙车! ?

Henry: So… can you lend me some money so I can pay the tickets?

Henry:嗯哼… 所以… 你可以借我一些钱付罚单吗?

Bob: Henry!


red light (n.) 红灯

red light 的意思是「红灯」,搭配动词 run,run a red light (闯红灯)。

Tommy’s wife is angry with him because he got two red light tickets this week.

Tommy 的老婆对他很生气,因为他这礼拜已经拿到两张闯红灯罚单了。

jaywalk (v.) 闯越马路

jaywalk 意指行人不管交通号志「乱闯马路」。这个字的起源很有趣,jay 指的其实是一种叫做松鸦的鸟,从前用来代称头一次入城、不懂交通规则的乡巴佬,jaywalk 指的即是这些乡巴佬不懂红绿灯、乱闯马路的方式。

My grandmother often scolds me for jaywalking in the countryside.


Jaywalking is strictly forbidden at this intersection because of heavy traffic.


street racing (n.) 街头飙车

racing 为名词,来自动词 race,为「赛车」的意思,而 street racing 指的则是「街头飙车」。

This movie features exciting scenes of street racing.


