排球的英文叫做 volleyball,拆开来就会是 volley 和 ball 两个字,那 volley 是什么呢?在体育界,它指的其实是「凌空击球」,即是在空中将球击回的意思,而排球正是一种在空中将球反复来回击打的球类运动,因而得名 volleyball。
而今天 Sofia 邀请了 Bob 去看一场她朋友的排球比赛,现在比赛正要开始!
Bob: Which team are your friends on again?
Sofia: The blues. They’re about to flip a coin to see who serves first.
Bob: Looks like your friends won the toss.
Sofia: Nice! Go, blue team!!! (cheering)
Sofia:好极了!上啊,蓝队! ! (欢呼)
Bob: Wow, that player in the attack zone is really tall.
Sofia: Yes, that’s Susan. My friend said she’s the team’s linchpin.
Sofia:是啊,她是 Susan。我朋友说她是队上最厉害的一个。
Bob: And what are the rods on top of the ends of the net for?
Sofia: Those are the antennas. They’re used for seeing if a ball is out or not.
flip a coin 掷硬币
flip 意指「翻转;翻动」,coin 为「硬币」,flip a coin 即是指「掷硬币」,排球比赛一开始时会利用掷硬币、两队选正反面来决定发球的先后顺序。
The referee flipped the coin into the air.
补充:flip one’s lid,直翻意思为「翻盖子」,延伸的意思是「勃然大怒」。
Sammy flipped her lid when she found out his boyfriend had been cheating on her.
Sammy 发现他男友劈腿时勃然大怒。
serve (v.) 发球
serve 在日常生活中,多半指「提供 (食物);服侍;服务」,如:serve meals (提供餐食),但在体育界 serve 的意思是「发球」。
It’s your turn to serve.
attack zone (n.) 进攻区
attack 意指「进攻」,zone 则是「区域;范围」,attack zone 指的即是「进攻区」,指的是排球中线向两侧各延展三公尺的范围。
The captain served from inside the attack zone.
linchpin (n.) 关键人物
linchpin 为名词,意思为「关键人物;关键事物」,也可拼做 lynchpin。
A linchpin is the thing or person that holds something together or is of great importance to something.
“Linchpin” 的意思是是一个东西的核心,或是事情的关键。
antenna (n.) 标志杆
antenna 指的其实是「触须;触角」,比如蚂蚁和天牛的触角,或是指「天线」。但在排球领域,antenna 指的是「标志杆」,指的是排球网两端上头红白相间的一根杆子,球要通过两端杆子标示出的范围才算是进球。
The ant’s antennas moving as it climbs up the tree.
I fixed the radio’s antenna so we should have better reception now.
There’s one antenna over each end of the net.
Sofia: (yelling) Referee!
Sofia:(大叫) 蠢裁判!
Bob: What happened?
Sofia: That girl with the ponytail on the red team hit the ball twice in a row, and the ref just played on.
Bob: I dunno… looked fair to me.
Bob:真假! ?我也没发现。
Sofia: Then you’re an idiot as well.
Bob: Haha. Sorry, I’m not familiar with the rules of volleyball.
Sofia: Hitting the ball twice in a row is a double contact fault. The ref should have called a violation. Idiot!
Sofia 好激动,不过裁判没有发现选手犯规也是很夸张!但我们还是先复习单字吧!
referee (n.) 裁判
referee 意指「裁判」,通常是球类运动的裁判,也可以当动词「担任裁判」。
Henry is a qualified football referee.
Henry 受训成为一名足球裁判。
Henry referees a football match once a week.
Henry 每周担任一次足球裁判。
violation (n.) 违规
violation 意指「违规」,和动词 commit「犯 (罪、错误)」合用。
The player was warned for committing a violation.
double contact (n.) 双击
double 意指「两个的;两次的」,contact 则是名词「接触」,double contact 指的即是「两度接触」,指的是排球规则中同一人连续两次击球的违规。
Double contact faults or “double hits” are illegal in volleyball.
in a row (phr.) 连续地
row 意指「排;列」,in a row 指的是「连续;一连串」。
Tommy ate 12 tarts in a row.
Tommy 一口气连续吞下 12 个馅饼。