
马航失联33天,多国继续参与搜寻Its been 33 days since the Beijing-bound jetliner MH370 disappeared after taking off from Kuala Lumpur, with 239 people on-board. Searchers and investigators have found little evidence of ho


It’s been 33 days since the Beijing-bound jetliner MH370 disappeared after taking off from Kuala Lumpur, with 239 people on-board. Searchers and investigators have found little evidence of how the plane went down to the southern Indian ocean. The multi-national search intensifies with more aircraft and ships.

The Joint Agency Coordination Center in Perth says the search area for Wednesday has been narrowed to about 75-thousand four hundred square kilometers. The center of the area is some 23-hundred kilometers northwest of Perth.

Eleven military aircraft, 4 civil aircraft and 14 ships are being deployed. The underwater search continues with Australia’s ADV Ocean Shield at the northern end, and the Chinese ship Haixun 01 and the UK’s HMS Echo at the southern end. Australian and Chinese vessels picked up separate acoustic signals last week in different parts of the Indian Ocean.

Planes are still scanning the ocean for possible debris. A Chinese military Ilyushin IL-76 took off from Perth International Airport early this morning. For the past week, it’s been the first plane out. As for weather conditions, the JACC says a weak front is moving from the southeast, and may bring scattered showers.

