A mail carrier in British Columbia, Canada, has been unable to deliver a package to a house – and it's all because of a bear on the prowl.
Matthew Fane, from a Vancouver suburb, tweeted Wednesday a photo of a note left for him by a Canada Post worker indicating that the reason he was unable to drop off a parcel was because there was a 'bear at door.'
周三,居住在温哥华郊区的Matthew Fane在推特上发了一张取件通知的照片,加拿大邮政的邮递员在通知上写下了无法投递的原因——门口有熊。
A picture of the decent-sized black mammal has since surfaced to prove the claim, showing the grizzly scarily lurking out front of the house.
Fane was impressed with the postal carrier's justification, writing on Twitter: 'Ok, fair enough @canadapostcorp that's a decent reason to not drop the package off at my door.'
When the Canadian mail service responded asking Fane to provide his exact location so that they could investigate the incident, the homeowner insisted he had no complaints.
'The service was great, ' he tweeted, 'just thought it was funny.'