为何同一件洋装,有的人看到的是白金,有的人看到是蓝黑?这篇 就要让科学家来为你解答,我们会用黄色来表示跟情色有关的东西,像是黄色笑话或是黄色书刊。但你知道外国人其实是用蓝色表示情色相关的东西吗?这次 要带你认识你一定不知道,但却非常实用的颜色相关用语!
这洋装到底是什么颜色?让全球上千万人吵翻的原因大解密! What Colour Is this Dress?
1. 颜色相关片语
black and blue: 瘀青
E.g., The abused kid was pinched black and blue by his own mother.
black and white: 黑白分明
E.g., In children’s literature, a character is often either all good or all bad; such balck-and-white situations seldom exist in real life.
in the black: 有盈余
E.g., Amazon.com claims that its core businesses will soon be in the black.
blue movie: 色情片
E.g., There is some sex in this movie, but it is not really a blue movie.
blue blood: 贵族血统
E.g., The newly-wed princess is a blue-blooded member of the royalty.
out of the blue: 突如其来
E.g., His proposal, coming out of the blue, was a complete surprise to the girl.
in the red: 赤字
E.g., The company is in the red.
red-handed: 当场被逮
E.g., The kid was cught red-handed drinking from his father’s wine collection.
be green: 没有经验;很「菜」
E.g., John is green for this job.
green with envy: 非常嫉妒
E.g., Seeing his colleague get the promotion, he was green with envy.
pink slip: 解雇通知
E.g., He got the pink slip this morning and is packing his stuff now.
还想知道更多颜色相关的惯用语吗? 就让EngVid的专业老师来教你吧!
7 个色彩相关的惯用语 7 Colorful English idioms
2. 颜色相关名称
红色 Red
1. copper 红铜色
2. deep wine 酒红色
3. fuchsia 桃红色
4. darkred 深红色
黄 Yellow
1. bluish yellow 青黄
2. mustard 芥末黄
3. god 金色
4. maize 玉米黄
绿 Green
1. olive 橄榄色
2. aqua green 水绿色
3. forest green 森林绿
4. light green 淡绿色
蓝 Blue
1. navy 海军蓝
2. royal blue 宝蓝
3. iron blue 铁蓝色
4. sky blue 天蓝色
紫色 Purple
1. violet 紫罗兰色
2. raisin 乌紫
3. grape 葡萄紫
4. magenta 洋红色
白 White
1. silver-white 银白
2. milky-white 乳白
3. snow 雪白
4. ivory white 象牙白
黑 Black
1. dull black 暗黑
2. lividity 青黑
3. pitch-black 漆黑
4. brown black 棕黑