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学学肌肉单字:1. muscle (n.) 肌肉举例:Do you want me to teach you how to build up your muscles? (要不要我教你如何锻炼肌肉?)2. to work out 运动健身举例:I’m going to the gym tonight to work out. (我今晚要去体育馆做运动


1. muscle (n.) 肌肉

举例:Do you want me to teach you how to build up your muscles? (要不要我教你如何锻炼肌肉?)

2. to work out 运动健身

举例:I’m going to the gym tonight to work out. (我今晚要去体育馆做运动。)

3. to shape up 雕塑身材

举例:My weight has ballooned from 48 to 68 kilograms since marriage. I have to shape up. (婚后我的体重开始从48公斤一路飙升到68公斤,我得健身了。)

相似:to get in shape

4.  to pump iron 举重

举例:I’m going to the gym to pump some iron. (我要去健身房举重。)


5. sit ups 仰卧起坐

举例:I had to do some running on the treadmill, some sit ups, push ups, and some weight lifting. (我必须在踏车上练习跑步,做仰卧起坐、俯卧撑和一些举重测试。)


Plank 平板支撑!

Start in a push up position with hands under your shoulders. Hold the position, keeping abs tight and weight over your shoulders, the whole time. (先作一个俯卧撑的姿势,臀部夹紧,保持一分钟!记得手要打直喔!)

Better Lunges 跨步!

Step 1: Start in a lunge position. (先作一个跨步的动作)

Step2: Lower your body as low as your back knee is just above the floor. (压低身体,让下压的腿靠近地面)

Step3: Bring yourself up just halfway, then back down to the lowest position. Continue to pulse up and down, switching legs halfway through. (身体上下上下,持续一分钟)

Modified Triceps Push Ups 训练你的三头肌!

Step1: Kneel with your hands out in front. Bring your hips forward to shift the weight over your shoulders. (作一个用手支撑的跪姿,移动髋关节来平衡身体,脚勾起来)

Step2: Lower your upper body towards the floor, keeping your butt down and abs tight. Push up and repeat. (就像在做伏力挺身一样,臀部夹紧,持续一分钟)

Squat Hold 深蹲!

Step1: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. (作一个与肩同宽的蹲步姿势)

Step2: Squat down so thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold position, keeping back flat and chest up. (蹲低,让大腿平行于地面,背拉直,腹部内缩。接着重新回到站姿再深蹲,总共做一分钟。)

V-ups 伸展!

Step 1: Sit upright with knees tucked in to your chest, feet off the floor, and hands in a supportive position behind you. (屁股着地,双脚离地,并拢在胸前,双手支撑。)

Step2: Extend legs out in front of you as your upper body back towards the floor. (让腿部伸展,背部靠近地面)

Step3: Crunch back in to start position and repeat. (回到第一个动作,持续做一分钟!)

