1. Climate and Weather 气候和天气
Weather is the occurrence of nature every day. 天气发生在大自然的每一天
Climate is the pattern over usually we talk about a year. 气候通常都是我们以一年为讨论的形式
2. Flood and Drought 洪水和干旱
Flood is when there’s too much water. 洪水是有太多水了
Drought is when a region or a place doesn’t get water, doesn’t get any rain for a very long period of time.
Famine is when there’s a lot of people starving. 饥荒是指有很多的人们正在受饥饿所苦
3. Earthquake and Tsunami 地震和海啸
Earthquake is when the earth shakes and earthquake what often happens in the sea or near the sea.
Tsunami means harbour wave. 海啸是海港的大波浪的意思
4. Heat Waves and Cold Fronts 热浪和冷锋 (梅雨)
Cold fronts, means a very cold mass of air is moving. 冷锋是指大量移动通过的冷空气
Heat waves, same thing but heat, a lot of heat. 热浪是指大量移动通过的热空气
图片中蓝色的线条是冷锋,红色的是热浪(又称暖锋)。当冷锋和暖锋碰在一起时,互相推挤不遑多让,就会产生「滞留锋」,滞留锋会造成降雨,台湾五六月的梅雨 (英文称之为 rainy season / monsoon season) 就是滞留锋造成的喔!冷锋和热浪都是非常危险的,它会造成气温骤变,造成灾害,甚至还会有人因此死亡
5. Blizzard and Squall 大风雪和雪飑
Blizzard is a very heavy snowstorm. 大风雪代表非常大的暴风雪
Squall is like a blizzard except that it’s very sudden, very short, and very intense.
6. Icestorm, Sandstorm, Thunderstorm and Lightningstorm 冰雪风暴、沙尘暴、雷暴雨和闪电风暴
Icestorm is dropping tiny ice particles. They fall down and become ice.
Sandstorm is that suddenly a big wind carries all this sand, and you can’t see anything.
Thunderstorm, lots of thunder. 雷雨挟带许多雷
Lightningstorm, lots of lightning. 闪电风暴有许多闪电
7. Hail 冰雹
Hail are little pieces of ice, and drop. 冰雹是一颗一颗的颗粒从天上降下来
8. Hurricane, Typhoon, and Cyclone 飓风、台风和旋风
They are all mean that a big circling storm that comes over land and destroys everything.
Hurricane happens in the Atlantic Ocean and sometimes in the Northeast Pacific.
Typhoon is in the Northwest Pacific Ocean
Cyclone happens in the South Pacific and Indian Oceans
9. Tornado 龙卷风
Tornado is like a tiny little hurricane except it’s very localized, very small area, happens on land.
10. Monsoon 季风
Monsoon is a very, very heavy wind and rainstorm. Usually hits India and Southeast Asia.
11. Mudslide and Avalanche 山崩和雪崩
Mudslide happens because too much rain or too much deforestation.
Avalanche is like a mudslide except that it’s snow.
12. Volcanic Eruption 火山爆发
Volcanic is a mountain, but inside with very hot magma or lava. 火山里面有非常热的岩浆和熔岩
When the volcanic erupt, all the ash covered the air. 火山爆发时,会产生大量的火山灰,并且淹没新鲜的空气
1. the eye of the storm 台风眼
例句:The eye of the storm is currently some 770 kilometers east-southeast of Yilan. 台风眼距离宜兰东南方约770公里
2. call off school and work 停止上班上课
例句:The government announced to call off school and work. 政府宣布停止上班上课
3. land and sea warnings 陆上与海上台风警报
例句:Land and sea warnings are in effect for the entire country. 整个国家的陆上与海上台风警报都已发布
4. make landfall 登陆
The severe typhoon is making landfall in Taiwan. 强台正在登陆台湾
5. weaken to 减弱为
That weird typhoon has weakened to tropical depression. 那个诡异的台风已经减弱为热带低气压了