水獭潜水帮捡手机 感觉自己萌萌哒(图)

A member of staff at an animal sanctuary who dropped a mobile phone into a pool had it retrieved by an otter.英国一个动物收容所的工作人员不慎把iPhone掉进水池后,萌萌的水獭帮她捡了上来。Jenny Lewis feared the iPhone would

A member of staff at an animal sanctuary who dropped a mobile phone into a pool had it retrieved by an otter.


水獭潜水帮捡手机 感觉自己萌萌哒(图)

Jenny Lewis feared the iPhone would be lost for good after it fell into the water, until Starsky the Asian short-clawed otter dived into action. He swam down to the bottom of his tank before hauling the handset to the surface between his paws.


Starsky gave it back to its animal care assistant owner, at the Cornish Seal Sanctuary, in Gweek, near Helston.


The attraction tweeted: "#phonegate – catastrophic loss of phone #Gweek Starsky the otter."


Starsky's usual tricks include climbing up the mesh sides of his enclosure – although he's too afraid to come down by himself.


