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reception动词receive有接待、欢迎的意思,因此它的名词reception可指饭店或办公大楼的「接待处、服务台」,另外,reception counter或reception desk都是指同样的地方。I’ll get our clients at reception. Tell Mark to get ready wit


动词receive有接待、欢迎的意思,因此它的名词reception可指饭店或办公大楼的「接待处、服务台」,另外,reception counter或reception desk都是指同样的地方。

I’ll get our clients at reception. Tell Mark to get ready with his presentation.




A disorganized cubicle can reflect poorly on your level of professionalism.


这里还要补充一个跟cubicle有关的词汇:cubicle coma(隔间昏睡症),意思是说早上起床时还觉得活力充沛,一旦进了公司开始上班,就瞌睡虫袭来,疲惫不堪,整天都无法集中精神工作,可是一到了下班时间,却又生龙活虎了起来。听起来有没有很熟悉呢? (Does it ring a bell?)

once Isat down at my desk, cubicle coma immediately came over me. I just couldn’t shake it off.



conference room & meeting room

conference room和meeting room虽然都是开会的地方,但是conference room是比较大型的会议空间,而meeting room是小型的会议室,给人较亲密的感觉。

Due to budget restraints, our annual party was held in the conference room in our company.


John, could you please gather your team in the meeting room? The manager wants to have a quick meeting.


pantry room

pantry原指储藏食品的柜子或空间,而办公室里的pantry room是指「茶水间」,有些公司的茶水间会提供简单的咖啡、茶包供员工使用。

Helen and Gavin are gossiping in the pantry room.


common area

形容词common有「公共的」意思,办公室的common area可以让员工休憩、交谊用,称作「交谊区」或「休息区」,。

Ted and Ryan are having a heated argument in the common area. It looks bad.


