1.机器人说:Hello, how are you?
一般人说:Hey, how’s it going? / What’s up? / Hi! How are things?
以上皆为生活中常见的问候语,问对方最近如何?倘若是你被问到这些问题,回答方式有下列几种:I’m doing well. (我过得很好。)、Not much./Nothing special. (没干嘛/没什么有趣的。)、The usual. (一般般、马马虎虎。)
2.机器人说:Thank you.
一般人说:I really appreciate it! / Thanks a bunch. / Cheers!
表达感谢时,也可以有些变化;Cheers! 除了干杯的意思之外,非正式的用法也有感谢之意。例如:I’ve bought you a drink. (我买了杯酒给你。) 此时就能回答:Cheers, mate! (谢啦,老兄。)
3.机器人说:I don’t understand.
一般人说:Sorry, I didn’t get that. / Sorry, you lost me there. / Sorry, I didn’t quite follow you.
机器人说:I searched for it on the Internet.
一般人说:I looked it up online. / I checked it out online.
4.机器人说:I graduated from the Portsmouth University in the physics department.
一般人说:I studied/did physics at Portsmouth University. / I went to Portsmouth Uni.
使用study或是go to就能表达你所就读的科系及/或学校,是不是很简单呢?下次就换个说法,为你的语言增添不同的色彩吧!