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F:familyF即 Family, 家庭背景与故乡,本人建议,家庭的部份简单带过,重点可以放在自己的家乡,因为对方没去过,可以介绍一下自己家乡让自己最难忘的部份,既可让对方了解自己与自己的家乡,如果您能讲到对方想去旅游,那就真的太棒了


 F即 Family, 家庭背景与故乡,本人建议,家庭的部份简单带过,重点可以放在自己的家乡,因为对方没去过,可以介绍一下自己家乡让自己最难忘的部份,既可让对方了解自己与自己的家乡,如果您能讲到对方想去旅游,那就真的太棒了。以下是范例与解说。

Hi, My name is Roger. I live in a family of five, including my parents, my two siblings and I. I am from the Taoyuan city in Taiwan. I grew up and went to college in this city. What I love about my hometown is its diversity and convenient traffic. In this city, there are many foreigners walking on the street and you can find any kind of foreign food, including American food, Japanese food, even French cuisine. Also, Taoyuan has railroad, high speed railroad, international airport, and even MRT so the the traffic is really convenient! It only takes less than 1 hour to travel to Taipei or Hsin-Chu, or less than two hours to central Taiwan. Although it’s a modern city, some traditional parts are the features of this city. It’s the temple parade that makes this city more colorful. So if you want to visit a city in Taiwan with diversity and convenient traffic, you have to put Taoyuan on your list.  


I live in a family of five. 我家有五口人的意思,数字可以自己增减

sibling :手足

be from (地点) 我来自…

diversity : 多样性


MRT : Mass Rapid Transit 捷运

temple parade :庙会游行

put sth on your list 把xx 列在清单上,这里的意思是把城市列为到访地点。

O :Occupation

如果对方跟您是工作上的关系,建议可以把重点放在O , Occupation您的工作,例如您为何选择这份工作,又从中学得什么,或是工作上印象最深的故事。

I have been worked as a technical manual writer for six years. The most interesting thing about my job is I can play the latest products and write instruction for users. Also, using my English and writing skills to serve others is the thing I love.  There is only one thing I don’t like is sitting too long, which is not very good for health and feel like a plant. Beside that, I like this job very much because I can use my language and logical thinking abilities to do my job.



have been worked for (time) 已经工作多久时间,现在完成式。这比讲I am a xxx要更有效率,因为同时提供工作性质与时间长短。

The most interesting thing : 最有趣的事

feel like 感觉像……



当然,R, recreation 嗜好,也是一个很好自我介绍的重点,或许对方与您有相同嗜好,如运动与音乐等等,这可以拉近距离,或者您有什么特殊专长也可以当作自我介绍的特点,例如烹调与手工等等。这边解释一下hobby与interest 有什么不同。 hobby是嗜好,个人会定时定点做的一些活动,而interest 是兴趣,想到才做。譬如说,每周固定时间参加固定运动,如篮球,羽球等,甚至加入社团可以说是嗜好hobby,但是偶而为之就只能说是兴趣interest。再举一个例子,英语演讲是我的嗜好,因为本人固定参加社团,但是看电影对我就是一种兴趣,因为不是常常看。以下是英文范例,

 My hobby is  English public speaking, and I have joined the toastmaster club for more than ten years. I join the meeting every 1st and 3rd Friday night to sharpen my language and speaking skills. By joining the toastmaster club, I improved my English and communication skills and made a lot of friends. My interests are reading, gaming, and watching movie.


 M, message, 到最后一步,如果两人相谈甚欢,您想与对方留下连络方式。可以怎么说?以下用对话说明。

A: It was so nice to talk to you. You really know a lot about movies.

B: Me too! You are the expert of movie. I would like to discuss some interesting movies with you later. Can you friend me?

A: Of course, what’s your facebook (whatapp, line, etc…) ID?


