1. 面试基本礼仪先搞懂!
2.先处理「Quick Response」系列问题
What fruit best describes you? Why?
Do you like sunrise or sunset better? Why?
Who is your idol? Why?
3.想想「Group Discussion」该怎么面对
「Group Discussion」会是6个人一组、以团体讨论的方式进行,举些可能讨论的题目当例子:
What did you think about our last commercial?
Are you in an relationship now? Would you consider marriage or cohabitation after being together for over 5 years?
How do you feel about the base in Singapore?
4. 准备英文笔试!
Jack pictured himself ______ the king of the world.
We need some lettuce and tomatoes ________ the salad.
My brother is the captain ________ the school badminton team.
5. 紧张刺激的「Final Interview」到底要怎么办呢?
见高阶主管的时刻到了,准备好你设计妥当、真实的履历非常关键,另外,这部分你遇到的问题可能以「解决乘客问题 (customer handling)」最多!