go to bed/sleep 上床睡觉
My mom always makes me go to bed before 11 p.m.
put sb to bed 让某人入睡
hit the hay/sack 睡觉
*hay (n.) 干草堆 / sack (n.) 麻布袋
I really have to hit the hay since I have been working for 10 hours.
doze off 打瞌睡
Henry often dozes off during math class because he thinks it’s boring.
Henry 常常在数学课打瞌睡,因为他觉得很无聊。
drift off 不知不觉地睡着
take a nap 睡午觉
get some shut-eye 睡觉
fast asleep 熟睡
Chelsey was fast asleep within minutes of going to bed.
Chelsey 上床睡觉没几分钟后就熟睡了。
heavy sleeper 睡得很深的人
Judy is a heavy sleeper; you could never wake her up unless you shout her name out loudly.
Judy 是一个睡很深的人,除非你大声叫她的名字,不然是叫不醒她的。
sleep like a baby/log 睡得很深、很熟
*log (n.) 圆木
sleep heavily 熟睡
sleep soundly 睡得香甜
insomnia 失眠症
Jenny has suffered from insomnia for two years; she can’t fall asleep no matter how hard she tried.
Jenny 已经深受失眠所扰两年了,无论多努力她都睡不着。
stay up 熬夜
Gina often stays up late because she always needs a lot of time writing her homework.
Gina 很常熬夜,因为她总需要很多时间完成功课。
night owl 夜猫子
Wendy is a night owl. She never goes to bed before 3 a.m.
Wendy 是个夜猫子,她从未在凌晨三点前就寝。
lose sleep 失眠
Jerry lost sleep last night because of a cold.
Jerry 昨晚因为感冒而失眠。
pull an all-nighter 熬夜
toss and turn 辗转反侧
Veronica tossed and turned every night after she broke up with her boyfriend.
Veronica 在跟前男友分手后,每天晚上都辗转反侧。
not sleep a wink 几乎没睡
看完以上这些详细的介绍后,对于睡觉相关的单字、片语更加了解呢?在这边贴心提醒各位,每天虽然忙碌但可别熬夜 stay up too late 喔! ♡