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The important thing is that we stick together.「重要的是我们互相扶持。」stick together 字面上是「黏在一起」的意思,其实就是表示「互相扶持、团结一致」。胡迪 (Woody) 一开始忌妒巴斯光年 (Buzz Lightyear),后来却和他变成好朋

The important thing is that we stick together.


stick together 字面上是「黏在一起」的意思,其实就是表示「互相扶持、团结一致」。

胡迪 (Woody) 一开始忌妒巴斯光年 (Buzz Lightyear),后来却和他变成好朋友,两人一起合作、冒险,这不就证明了「患难见真情」吗?人生就是需要这样的挚友!

A: I’m afraid that we cannot solve the problem this time. Things are getting out of control!

A: 我很怕我们这次无法解决问题,一切都失控了!

B: As long as you are here with me, everything will be fine. The important thing is that we stick together!

B: 只要你和我在一起,事情就会好转。重要的是我们互相扶持!

You have saved our lives. We are eternally grateful.



副词 eternally 是「永远地」的意思,与 endlessly、permanently、perpetually 同义;grateful 指「感恩的」,同义词有 thankful、appreciative。

三眼怪 (Aliens) 的台词虽少,但这句绝对是大家印象最深刻的经典台词之一!他们教了大家要「懂得感恩」。

You’re with me every time I’m in need. I’m eternally grateful.


Woody once risked his life to save mine, and I couldn’t call myself his friend if I wasn’t willing to do the same.


risk sth. to+V. / risk+Ving 是「冒着……的危险去做某事」之意。

胡迪 (Woody) 和巴斯光年 (Buzz Lightyear) 告诉我们「朋友之间是平等、互助的」。

She once helped me when I was struggling financially, I couldn’t call myself her friend if I wasn’t willing to do the same.


To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the whole world.



Never look down on yourself. To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the whole world. There’s always someone out there for you.


As more and more people leave you, the more and more important those who remain become.


remain 除了表示「剩下、保持」之外,还指「(人) 逗留、留下」。


Please spend time with the friends and family who cherish you. As more and more people leave you, the more and more important those who remain become.


