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WHAT!是两个不同意思的英文字,不是打错啦! 5组复合字大调查(下)

复合字(Compound words),就是同样的英文字组合,但多了一格空白键的空格,有着不同的用法和意思,特别容易混淆。暨上篇后,我们五组复合字里还剩下两组:sometime vs some time与someday vs some day 。快把上下两组学起来,本文附上练

复合字(Compound words),就是同样的英文字组合,但多了一格空白键的空格,有着不同的用法和意思,特别容易混淆。暨上篇后,我们五组复合字里还剩下两组:sometime vs some time与someday vs some day 。快把上下两组学起来,本文附上练习题,可以趁机看看你的学习成效喔!

4. Sometime vs Some time


1. 副词,表“at some point”(某个时间点)。

I will finish my landscaping project sometime.


2. 形容词,表先前的。

Tony, a sometime UPS driver, now plays professional poker for a living.


 WHAT!是两个不同意思的英文字,不是打错啦! 5组复合字大调查(下)

Some time––当是两个字的时候,它指的是一段时间,而且通常时很长的一段时间。

1. 一段时间。

Jack has lived in this neighborhood for some time.


5. Someday vs Some day


1. 副词,不确定时间,总有一天。

Someday I will invest in a new mobile phone but the old one will be ok until I do so.


Some day–形容词的some与名词的day的组合。 some表示“未知”或“未指定”。与day配对时,表示“未知的一天”。

1. 副词片语,未知的一天。

The term paper is due some day in May.




练习下面的题目,看看这些复合词(Compound words)是不是用在对的位置?

1. Political pundits are watching members of Congress to see which of them are the most likely to some day be President.


2. The store is having a sale on everyday men’s clothing.


3. For some people living in third world countries, every day crime is a major concern.


4. The bakery has chairs outside the shop for customers to rest a while and enjoy their purchase.


5. After a while , I began to calm down and feel more relaxed.


6. Give me a call sometime and we can meet for coffee.


7. The studio says they will announce the release date for the new James Bond movie some time soon.



1. X; Political pundits are watching members of Congress to see which of them are the most likely to someday be President.

2. O

3. X; For some people living in third world countries, everyday crime is a major concern.

4. X; The bakery has chairs outside the shop for customers to rest awhile and enjoy their purchase.

5. O

6. O

7. X; The studio says they will announce the release date for the new James Bond movie sometime soon.

