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【懒人包】该用Look for还是Look at? 18种「Look」的常见用法!

look for 寻找;期望某事发生「Look for」有「寻找」和「期待、期望某事发生」两种意思。I am looking for my keys.(我在找我的钥匙。)I am looking for a good time at the party.(我期待在派对上玩得开心。)look at 看、观看某物Lo

look for 寻找;期望某事发生

「Look for」有「寻找」和「期待、期望某事发生」两种意思。

I am looking for my keys.(我在找我的钥匙。)

I am looking for a good time at the party.(我期待在派对上玩得开心。)

look at 看、观看某物

Look at the beautiful sunset.(看看这美丽的日落。)

look into 深入研究、检查

「Look into」意思是深入研究、详细检查某事。

The police are looking into the cause of the accident.(警方正在调查这起事故的原因。)

look after 照顾

「Look after」的意思是照顾、照料某人或某物。

Can you look after the baby while I am at work?(我上班时你可以照顾小孩吗?)

【懒人包】该用Look for还是Look at? 18种「Look」的常见用法!

look up to 尊敬、仰慕某人

「Look up to」的意思是尊敬、仰慕某人。

I always look up to my parents.(我总是仰慕我的父母。)

look away 撇开目光

「Look away」的意思是不看、把目光放到别处。

She couldn’t bear to look away from the accident.(她无法忍受不看这起事故。)

look out 当心

「Look out」的意思是小心、当心。

Look out for the dog.(小心那只狗。)

look over 检查、审阅

「Look over」的意思是检查、审阅某物。

Can you look over my essay before I submit it?(在我送出前文章前,你可以帮我审阅吗?)

look on 旁观

She was looking on and making no move to help. (她在旁边看着,却没有提供任何帮助。)

look forward to 期待、盼望

I am looking forward to the weekend.(我盼望周末的到来。)

look upon/on as 将…视为

He looked upon her as a sister.(他对她如同妹妹般。)

I’ve lived here so long I look on the city as my home. (我在这里住了很长一段时间,已经把这座城市是为我的家了。)

look down upon 轻视;俯视


She looked down upon him because of his social status.(她因他的社会地位而轻视他。)


She looked down upon the city from the top of the building.(她从建筑物的顶端俯视城市。)

look through 仔细检视、翻阅

She looked through the documents before signing them.(她在签字前仔细检视文件。)

look back on 回顾、回忆

He looked back on his childhood with fond memories.(他带着美好的回忆回顾他的童年。)

look around 环视、四处张望

She looked around the room before sitting down.(她在坐下前环视房间。)

look up 查询、查找

She looked up the word in the dictionary.(她在字典中查询那个单词。)

look in on 造访、拜访

She looked in on her sick friend.(她造访了她生病的朋友。)

