1. 事假:personal leave
2. 病假:sick leave
3. 公假:official leave
4. 年假:annual leave
→ annual表示「每年的、年度的」
5. 婚假:marriage leave
6. 产嫁:maternity leave
→ maternity 表示「产妇的」或「产房」;maternity dress 表示「孕妇装」、 maternity leave 则为「产假」
7. 陪产假:paternity leave
8. 生理假:menstruation leave
→ menstruation 表示 「月经、经期」;女生月经来可以说:I’ve got my period.
9. 丧假:funeral leave
10. 无薪假:unpaid leave ∕ unpaid vacation
11. 带薪休假:paid leave ∕ paid vacation
I’d like to take ∕ ask for _ leave of absence for _ days.
1. 我要请两天病假:
I’d like to ask for sick leave of absence for 2 days.
2. 我要请一天年假:
I’d like to take annual leave of absence for a day.
3. 我要请三天的(事)假:
I’d like to take 3 days’ leave.
= I’d like to ask for 3 days of leave.
= I’d like to ask for a 3-day leave.
(注意:句子中写”leave” 或 “leave of absence”都可以,只是后者比较正式喔!另外, “leave” 这个单字是不可数,所以不要随意加 “a” !)
1. 打电话请病假:call in sick
Alan早上打电话请病假:Alan called in sick this morning.
2. 装病请假:pull a sickie
他装病去看棒球赛:He pulled a sickie to go to the baseball game.
3. 代理职务:cover for
你今晚可以帮我代班吗? :Could you cover for me tonight?
平日上下班的英文都在这里,快睁大眼睛记起来吧! ?
1. 上班:go to work
2.下班:get off work/knock off work
I’ll call you as soon as I get off work.
He can’t get off work on time today.
3. 加班:work overtime
He refused to work overtime on weekends.
4. 加班费:overtime (pay)
→(老板问)你今天可以加班吗? :
Would you work overtime today?
→ 他上个月拿了200元加班费:
He received $200 overtime (pay) last month.
去某地点出差:go on / be on / take a business trip to 地点