for example
such as
不过,这些缩写及词语有什么差异呢? 我又应该用那一个才对?今日Cindy老师就教教大家这几个字的中文意思及用法!
For example 用法
For example通常用作举「一个」例子,延续前文讨论同一类型(人、事、物),你也可以用For instance代替;
位置及用法﹕For example一般都会放在句首、句中或句末;用在句首时,For example会接着逗点 ‘,’ 及完整的句子,例如﹕
My students are very talented. For example, Will plays 3 instruments.
My students are very talented. Will, for example, plays 3 instruments.
Different people have different talents. I play the piano very well, for example. My sister, on the other hand, plays basketball very well.
(For example用在句末,接着解释与下一句的关联。这边解释不同的人有不同才艺及专长。像是我很会弹钢琴,而姊姊很会打篮球。)
Such as / like 用法
Such as和like一般用来举「两个以上」的例子,但不包含所有的例子,其中Like是非正式的用语(informal),在撰写论文、公司文案时最好还是用such as 就好!
位置及用法﹕ 出现在例子前。要记得注意such as后面不能接完整的句子,只能接着列出例子;另外如果such as后面的例子是多于一个的话,就必须在such as前面加上逗号,例如﹕
Many animals, such as cats, sheep or cows, live on the farm.
Many animals,like cats, sheep or cows, live on the farm.
(很多动物,像是猫咪,羊群,及牛群,都住在农场里。由于例子多于一个,所以加上逗号,另外这边such as及like可以替换使用)
但是有时候 “like” 会用来比较,用来比较不同名词之间的特质,而 “such as” 是指具体的例子,例如﹕
Characters like Snow White, Aladdin, and Rapunzel continue to appear in movies and novels.
Mary would love to travel to countries with beautiful beaches such as Italy, Maldives, and the Philippines.
(“such as” 列出实际的例子,Mary 想去这些国家)
e.g. 用法
e.g.是拉丁文exempli gratia的缩写,不是for example的缩写!所以千万别再写e.x.啦! e.g.的用法就像for example跟such as的混合版,一般用来举「一个、两个或两个以上」的例子,但不包含所有的例子
位置及用法﹕ 出现在例子前;e.g.后需要逗号’,’
I love all kinds of sports, e.g., basketball, volleyball, and soccer. (我喜欢各种球类运动,像是篮球、排球及足球)
My colleagues are all from different countries, e.g., America, Singapore, and Japan.(我的同事来自不同的国家,像是美国、新加坡及日本)
i.e. 用法
i.e.的意思是举例有点不同,i.e.是用来厘清或提供更详细的资讯,相当于「换句话说」、「那就是说」 ;
位置及用法﹕ 出现在例子前;i.e.后需要逗号’,’ ,例如﹕
I do not like eating raw fish, i.e., sushi.
e.g. 跟 i.e. 的区别
e.g. 及 i.e.最大的差异就是,前者提供更多的选择,后者把范围缩小,例如﹕
Every evening, I’ll head over to the downtown area, e.g., East district, Taipei Main Station, or Xinyi district.
Every evening, I’ll head over to the downtown area, i.e., East district.
(X) The accident happened in July, e.g., four months ago.
(O) The accident happened in July, i.e., four months ago.
(X) I love sports, i.e., basketball, baseball and tennis.
(O) I love sports, e.g., basketball, baseball and tennis.
etc. 和so on用法
etc. 和 so on的意思是,表示清单未完成,还有很多例子没有提出,也就是「等等等」的意思
位置及用法﹕ 放在例子清单最后,例如﹕
I can bake cupcakes, cookies, etc.
**注意** 关于etc. 的常见错误
在使用etc.表达例子清单的时候,记得千万不要再加上 “such as / like / e.g.”,因为当你使用 such as / like / e.g. 时,就已经表示你不会把所有例子都讲出来,与etc.意思重叠,所以两者只用其中一个就好!例子有﹕
(X) Bring items such as soda, chips, ice cream, etc. to the sleepover.
(X) Bring items e.g. soda, chips, ice cream, etc. to the sleepover.
(O) Bring items such as soda, chips, and ice cream to the sleepover.
(O) Bring soda, chips, ice cream, etc.to the sleepover.