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Andrew 跟 Sophia 是大学好麻吉,两人都很喜欢毛小孩,而他们都会固定相约去动物收容所做志工,而今天有很多只流浪狗被送到动物收容所…Andrew: Wow, a lot of new stray dogs and cats have been sent to the animal shelter. What’s h

Andrew 跟 Sophia 是大学好麻吉,两人都很喜欢毛小孩,而他们都会固定相约去动物收容所做志工,而今天有很多只流浪狗被送到动物收容所…

Andrew: Wow, a lot of new stray dogs and cats have been sent to the animal shelter. What’s happened?

Andrew: 发生什么事了?为何今天有那么多流浪狗跟流浪猫送来动物收留所?

Sophia: Some were picked up after local residents complained, while others are abandoned pets.

Sophia: 我听说有一些是在社区那边被虐待的,其他的是被弃养的。

Andrew: How can people be so cruel! There should be a law to punish these types of people.

Andrew: 太残忍的人了!应该要有法律规范来惩处这样的人。

Sophia: Yeah, I agree. But right now the thing we need to be concerned about is finding space for all these animals.

Sophia: 我同意,但现在我们最该关心的是我们收容所已经没有足够空间给这些动物了。

Andrew: Agreed. If we run out of room, the shelter will be forced to euthanize some of the sick or old animals.

Andrew: 同意。如果没有空间的话,收容所就会被迫将老弱残疾的动物安乐死。

Sophia: Surely there’s a better way.

Sophia: 一定有更好的解决之道。

(To be continued)



stray (adj.) 流浪的

你知道流浪动物的英文是什么吗? stray 是形容词,表示「流浪的」,后面加上 dog 或是 cat 即代表「流浪狗」或「流浪猫」,此外,在口语上,也可以直接把 stray 当名词用,代表「流浪动物」的意思。

There are so many stray dogs on this block. I’m always afraid of being chased.


animal shelter (n.) 动物收容所

shelter 这个字是名词「庇护所」,它也可以当作动词表示「庇护」,因此 animal shelter 也就是「动物收容所」的意思。

Most stray animals are sent to the nearby animal shelter.


euthanize (v.) 安乐死

安乐死这个议题一直都是大家很关心的议题,支持方与反对方皆有各自的立场,而「安乐死」的英文就是 euthanize,读音为 /ˈjuθənaɪz/,口语上,我们也可以用 put down 这个动词片语表示,用法如下:

Sandy is thinking about euthanizing her sick dog.

= Sandy is thinking about having her sick dog put down.

Sandy 考虑要让她生病的狗狗安乐死。

当 Andrew 跟 Sophia 讨论的时候,有一个家庭就进来收容所询问领养的资讯…

Andrew: We should try to help the shelter increase adoptions so that the animals can find a loving new home.

Andrew: 我们应该帮助收容所增加领养,这样这些动物才能找到爱它们的家。

Sophia: Exactly! But if we don’t make sure the animals are neutered or spayed, the number of strays will only increase.

Sophia: 没错!但如果我们没有帮它们结扎,这样流浪动物的数量只会增加。

Andrew: You’re right… hey, maybe we could make some posters to help the animals get adopted!

Andrew: 没错…嘿,或许我们可以做一些海报来为动物收容所宣导这个理念。

Sophia: Let’s do it!

Sophia: 一起来做吧!

(While they are making the posters, a family comes in)


Dad: Hi, we found your shelter online and would be interested in adopting one of the cats on the website.

爸爸: 你好,我们在网路上看到你们这间收容所,我们有想领养网站上的其中一只猫。

Andrew: Wow, that’s great! Do you have a preference for any particular breed?

Andrew: 哇,太棒了!你们有偏好哪个品种的猫吗?

Dad: No, just one that will be good around kids.

爸爸: 没有,只要是可以跟小孩相处得来的都可以。

Andrew: Of course! Please follow me!

Andrew: 好的!请跟我来!


adoption (n.) 领养

adoption 这个名词是从动词 adopt 变化来的,adopt 有「领养;采用」的意思。而我们常听到的「领养代替购买」的英文可以用 “Adopt! Don’t shop.” adopt 的易混淆字词为 adapt,其意思是「适应;改编」,当「适应」时后面要加介系词 to。

Mike decided to adopt a dog from the animal shelter.

Mike 决定要从动物收容所里领养一只狗。

Mike spent a month adapting to his new environment.

Mike 花了一个月适应新的居住环境。

neuter/spay (v.) (公)结扎/(母)结扎

在英文中,结扎有公母之分,公的动物结扎英文是 neuter /ˈnutɚ/,母的动物结扎是 spay,而在口语中,亦可以使用 fix 表示,用法如下:

Sandy had her cat neutered.

= Sandy had her cat fixed.

Sandy 让他的猫结扎了。

breed (n.) 品种

不论是猫还是狗都有品种之分,而品种的英文是 breed,它除了可以当名词表示「品种」之外,也可以当动词表示「饲养;繁殖」,而 breeder 就是「繁殖者」的意思。

Some dog breeds are more aggressive than others.


以上关于领养动物的英文学起来了吗?除了学习英文说法之外,也要记得领养代替购买! Adopt! Don’t shop!

