1. Turn on
Turn on 是打开的意思,通常多用于「打开电器」等动作,如电视、电灯、电脑。要注意的是,这里与大家熟知的 open 还有 close 不太一样。为了方便记忆,建议可以从身边常见的电器用品着手。许多家电用品开关旁都会写着 on/off 的字样,遇到就知道要搭配 turn 来用啦!下次要请同事打开电脑时,就可以直接说 “Please turn on the computer.”。
Can you turn on the lights, please?
Turn on 其实还有另一个意思,是「引起兴趣或兴奋的感觉」,多指男女之间被撩起的情欲、性欲。许多伴侣之间可能会在两人独处、气氛浪漫的情况对对方说 “You really turn me on.”,意思就是「你让我欲火焚身」。我们来看看下面其它范例:
His muscular arms and gorgeous smile totally turned her on.
最后,turn on 也可以表示「背叛」的意思。要注意的是,这里的句型结构为 turn on sb,与上一个 turn sb on 的意思完全不一样,要小心使用避免出糗喔!
Jack turned on Kevin when he was caught selling drugs by the police.
Jack 被警察逮到贩毒后,背叛 Kevin,把他抖了出来。
2. Turn off
Turn on 是「打开(电器)」,那想当然尔,turn off 就是相反的意思啦,也就是「关掉(电器)」。
Remember to turn off the air conditioner before leaving the house.
此外,当想要表达对某件事或某个人感到无趣、倒胃口时,除了 not interested 之外,还可以用 turn off 来表达更强烈的反感。其实就是上面提到 turn sb on 的反义词。
His arrogant and racial comments totally turned her off.
3. Turn up
Up 作为介系词有「向上,往上」的意思,因此 turn up 的第一种意思就是「将音量调大声」。
Turn up the radio; I can’t hear the news very clearly.
Turn up 的第二种意思是「出现」,跟 show up 有点类似,但是 turn up 带有更多惊喜、意料之外的含义。
I can’t believe that he turned up at the office after suffering from a car accident three days ago.
4. Turn down
Down 本身有往下的意涵,因此如果想要请对方把音量调小声一点,就可以使用 turn down 这个介系词片语。
Can you turn down the volume on your speaker?
Turn down 除了指将音量调低之外,还有另一个意思是「婉拒邀约或请求」。职场上难免会遇到同事请你帮忙或是上司交付新任务,但是当工作量无法负荷时,就可以用较委婉的方式拒绝。其它可以使用的情境包含委婉地拒绝求婚、拒绝朋友邀约等等。
She turned down the promotion because she wanted to spend more time with her family.
She turned down her boyfriend’s proposal because she isn’t ready for marriage.
5. Turn over
Over 有「翻面;翻转」的意思,因此 turn over 就有「将某品翻转、翻面」的意思。如果主词为人,就有主动翻身的意思。
The masseuse asked Jack to turn over so she could massage his back.
按摩师请 Jack 翻面,好替他按摩背部。
You may turn over the test paper and start the exam now.
如果想要表达一个人「改过自新」,我们就可以说 to turn over a new leaf,可延伸解读为「展开崭新人生」,有正面积极的意义。
Kevin decided to turn over a new leaf after being released from jail.
Kevin 出狱后,决定改过自新,重新做人。
Turn over 的另一个含义是指「人力、资金的流动或周转」。
His new cafe has turned over 5 million within 3 months.
另一个 turn over 的用法是「转移、交出某物」,如房间钥匙、经营权等情况,多半有强制的意味。
Please turn over the key when you leave the house.
6. Turn around
Around 有「围绕;周围」的意思,turn around 的第一种用法因此有「转身」的意思。
She turned around to see who was calling her name.
Turn around 的第二个用法是「改变想法、心意」,通常是指在最后一刻突然改变原先的决定。在特定情况下,也可以有「恍然大悟」的含意,意识自己做了错误的决定,而决定改变心意。
Sam didn’t want to go to Jane’s dinner party, but he turned around and showed up in the end.
Sam 本来不想参加 Jane 的晚餐派对,但是最后改变心意,还是出现了。
She refused to talk to her sister after a big fight. But she finally turned around and realized she can’t be mad forever.
另外,如果想要表达某件事情从很糟糕的状况开始逐渐变好,也可以用 turn around 来表达开始出现转机的意思。
Leo turned his family business around after introducing a new menu to their customers.
Leo 透过提供顾客新菜单而改善了家庭事业的劣势。
7. Turn in
In 有「往内」的意思,而 turn in 最常在学校或是公司的情境使用,中文是「递交,缴交 (报告、作业)」的意思,通常会搭配期限。
Don’t forget to turn in your weekly report before you leave work every Friday.
Turn in 也可以用来表达「上床睡觉」的意思。
I’m very tired from the long hike this morning, so I think I’ll turn in early today.
Turn in 还有另一个用法,通常是指将某物或某人「移交」给政府机关,如警局、法院等。
The police turned the criminal in for further legal process.
如果是「自首」,则可以说 turn oneself in。
She turned herself in after stealing two boxes of chocolates from the shop.
8. Turn to
Turn to 指的是「向某人寻求协助」,当你觉得心理或是工作压力很大,需要找人吐苦水时,就可以使用 turn to 这个片语。
I always turn to my best friend for advice when I feel stuck at work.
9. Turn out
Turn out 中文译为 「结果是…」,带有吃惊、令人意外的情绪,当发现某件事情的结果或某个人的品行跟你预想的不同时,就可以使用,通常会在后面接上一段负面的描述。
I’ve known Oliver for three years, but he turned out to be an arrogant snob after being promoted to general manager.
我已经认识 Oliver 三年了,结果当他被升迁为总经理后,竟变成一个自大、狂妄的人。