red- be in the red
说到「红」,在东方文化中多半带有喜气涵义,然而在西方文化,「红」却会让人想到战火、危险、鲜血,而片语 be in the red 中的「红」,意思却通用于东西方,意指「负债 (be in debt)、处于赤字」。这是因为在记录账务时,差额就是是用红笔标记,「赤字」一词也从此而来,这样看来商界真是东西方无阻隔!
The company has been in the red for two quarters, I reckon it won’t last until the end of the year.
补充:和 be in the red 相反的是 be in the black,意思是「有盈余」。
orange- (compare) apples and oranges
orange 这个字既可以当形容词「橘色的」,亦可指「柳丁」(要留意不是橘子哦!橘子是 tangerine)。在相关片语中多半采后者的意思,如片语 compare apples and oranges,即是指「拿苹果和柳丁比较」,意思是「拿两个完全不一样的东西来比较」,比喻「两者无法相提并论、截然不同」。
You can’t compare a hamster to a dolphin; that’s like comparing apples and oranges!
yellow- yellow dog
黄色这个颜色,在西方文化可能代表「希望、能量、正面思考」,但也可能代表「胆小、欺瞒」,而 yellow dog 这个字正是属于后者,用来形容「卑鄙小人」!
Most politicians are yellow dogs; you can’t fully trust them.
green- green with envy
envy 意指「羡慕、嫉妒」,green with envy 指的是「嫉妒某人」。将绿色和嫉妒联想在一起是从古希腊语来的,古希腊人认为人体疾病是体内四种液体的不平衡所导致,而「嫉妒」也是一种疾病,是由人体内绿色的 (green) 黄胆汁分泌过度所致,人的面部会因此变得「发绿」,green with envy 也就是这样来的。
Tommy was green with envy that his little brother got a bigger slice of cake than him.
Tommy 嫉妒他的弟弟拿到一块比较大的蛋糕。
blue- out of the blue, into the blue
七彩中的「靛」,英文为 indigo,但由于没有相关用语,小 V 就在这里介绍两个蓝色 (blue) 的用语吧!
out of the blue 其实是 like a bolt coming out of the blue sky (像蓝天中的一阵闪电) 的缩写,意思是「出乎意料、毫无预警 (unexpected)」,和中文的「晴天霹雳」有异曲同工之妙!
When I was looking for my sunglasses in the garden, it started to rain out of the blue.
into the blue 指的则是「消失无踪」,通常搭配 vanish 或是 disappear 使用,可以将它联想为「进到蓝天中消失身影」(如中文的「烟消云散」)。
All my worries vanished into the blue when I saw my boyfriend at the airport.
purple- born in the purple
紫色有着「高贵」的意涵,born in the purple 意思即是「生在贵族之家、出生于名门望族」(如中文的「含着金汤匙出生」)。
The princess is born in the purple, so she will never lack anything.