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那个同学…你的衣服「inside out」了! 5 个「方向」英文片语,让你的英文向前迈进

upside downupside 的意思是「上边;上方」,也有「好处;有利的一面」之意,而 upside down 就是原本在上边的东西倒到下面去了,也就是「上下颠倒的;倒过来的」的意思,可以当形容词或副词使用。If you can’t open the jam jar, try t

upside down

upside 的意思是「上边;上方」,也有「好处;有利的一面」之意,而 upside down 就是原本在上边的东西倒到下面去了,也就是「上下颠倒的;倒过来的」的意思,可以当形容词或副词使用。

If you can’t open the jam jar, try turning it upside down and whack the bottom of it.


另一个片语 sb. turn sth. upside down 的意思是「搞得乱七八糟、凌乱不堪」,像是在找钥匙时把整个家都翻过来一样,把家里搞得一团乱;如果是 sth. turn sth. upside down 则是「某件不幸、负面事彻底改变了…;变得一团糟」,是比较诗意的表达方法。

She turned her room upside down in order to find her wedding ring.


Their lives were turned upside down when they learned that their only daughter was murdered.


那个同学…你的衣服「inside out」了! 5 个「方向」英文片语,让你的英文向前迈进

inside out

inside 的意思是「里面的;内部的」,而 inside out 字面上的意思是原本在里面的部分跑到外面,也就是「里外相反的;里面朝外的」,常用来形容衣服「里外穿反」,如果是「前后穿反」则是 backwards。

A: Did you see the gorgeous girl? But I think she wore her blouse inside out; I could see the seams.

B: Nonsense! You know nothing about fashion!

A: 你有看到那个超正的女生吗?但我想她的衬衫里外穿反了,我都看得到缝线了。

B: 胡说八道,你根本不懂流行!

另一个片语是 know sth. inside out,对某件事从里到外都摸透透,就是「对某事了若指掌;对某事了解得很彻底」。

As a lawyer, he knows these complicated laws and regulations inside out.


back to back

back to back 的意思很容易联想,就是字面上「背对背」的意思,或指两人「背靠着背」,而因为背靠着背就表示中间没有空隙,所以 back to back 也有「一个接着一个;连续」之意。如果要当形容词,back to back 中间要用「-」连接,像 back-to-back wins/victories 就是指比赛中连续得胜,back-to-back game 在篮球比赛中则是指「连续比赛两天」。

The lovebirds sat back to back on the lawn and silently appreciated the starry sky.


A: Bad things happened back to back today! Is there a jinx on me?

B: No, you just need to be more careful.

A: 我今天一整天接连不断地发生坏事!我是被衰神附身了吗?

B: 没有啦,你只是需要小心一点。

right and left

right and left 用左边跟右边来代表「四面八方;到处」。

After people found out that he is going to get married, he got blessings from right and left.


但如果将「左」、「右」的位置颠倒,变成 left and right 就带有负面的涵义,虽然也是「四处;到处」的意思,但常用来形容很快速且不受控制的情况,直接看以下例句来了解吧!

It’s not surprising that he is living paycheck to paycheck because he is spending money left and right.


be caught in the middle

中文常说的「左右为难」英文不用 left 跟 right 来表达,而是直接说 be caught in the middle,就是夹在中间不知道该如何是好,可以形容「陷入其他人之间的争执」,无论同意谁或做什么选择都不对的情况。但如果是想表达自己「进退两难」则会说 to be in a dilemma。

When two of my friends had a quarrel and asked me to be the judge, I felt like I was caught in the middle.


