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作秀即 publicity stunt。表面意思是「宣传特技」,可见作秀也是需要技术的!选举如作战,策略、心计缺一不可,这时作秀的现象就会如雨后春笋般冒出,「作秀」的定义是「用媒体等途径宣传提高自身知名度」。People say that the tragic s


即 publicity stunt。


People say that the tragic story of the mayor is simply a publicity stunt to gain sympathy. I have no comment on that.


得到神启 / 妈祖托梦

「得到神启」即 receive divine revelation / inspiration。

「妈祖托梦」即 Mazu came to me in a dream。

divine 表「神圣的、天赐的」之意,而 revelation 指「天启、神示」、inspiration 是「灵感」。这样句型分解下来,是不是很好记呢?

A: Mom, I want a new laptop.

A: 妈!我要买新的笔电。

B: Why? Is your old one broken?

B: 为何?旧的坏了吗?

A: No, Mazu came to me in my dream last night, and I received divine revelation / inspiration of Mazu. She suggested buying a new laptop. If I use a new one, I will study harder and go to a good college. Then I’ll end up with a bright future.

A: 非也,妈祖娘娘昨夜托梦,吾得神启,若使用新笔电,吾将发愤读书,考取好大学,最后前程必定似锦。

B: …please don’t make me regret having children.

B: ……请别让我后悔生小孩。



Wish sb. prosperity! / May sb. be prosperous!

现任高雄市长韩国瑜接受质询时,说了数次「高雄发大财」,故最近「发大财」三字不断占据各大网站平台。形容词 prosperous 是「繁荣、富足」之意,名词为 prosperity、动词为 prosper。以上两种说法也都适用于过年祝贺别人「恭喜发财」。

A: Happy Chinese New Year! May you be prosperous!

A: 新年快乐!恭喜发财!

B: Wish you prosperity, too! Don’t forget my red envelope!

B: 也祝你恭喜发财,别忘了红包拿来喔!

跳针 / 鬼打墙

即 repeat oneself。


A: Do you know where my boyfriend is?

A: 你知道我男友在哪吗?

B: He’s out with his best buddies.

B: 他和兄弟们出去玩了。

A: So, where is he now?

A: 所以他现在在哪?

B: He’s with his best friends.

B: 他和好朋友在一起。

A: You’re repeating yourself, tell me WHERe HE IS NOW!

A: 你在鬼打墙了,告诉我他到底在哪?

B: He told me not to say anything…oops!

B: 他叫我啥都别说……糟了!


即 down-to-earth。


The super star is famous for her outstanding acting skills. What’s more, she is very accessible and down-to-earth.


补充:英文里说的 grassroots 指「草根」,也就是「平民老百姓」。

