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1. im- / in- 不;进入;往内immature (adj.) 不成熟的、未成年的im (不)+mature (成熟)Ex. If you behave like a child, people will think you’re immature.一个人格异常的人很难和一般人相处。*近义词:childish 幼稚的inaccurate (a

1. im- / in-  不;进入;往内

immature (adj.)  不成熟的、未成年的

im (不)+mature (成熟)

Ex. If you behave like a child, people will think you’re immature.


*近义词:childish 幼稚的

inaccurate (adj.)  有误的、不精确的

in (不)+ac (去) + cur (e) (照料) +ate(adj.)

Ex. I’ m sorry to say the initial report was inaccurate.


*近义词:fallacious 谬误的

insane (adj.) 疯狂的、发疯的、蠢的

in (不)+sane  (健全)

Ex. The judge decide the man was insane and ordered him sent to a mental institution.


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2.  ir –  不

irregular (adj.)  不合法的、不规则的

ir (不)+reg (统治)+ ular (adj.)

Ex. The committee found the company guilty of irregular accounting practices.


irrelevant  (v.) 贬低、使…显得微小

ir (使) +little (小)

Ex.  Her idea may be interesting, but it’s irrelevant to the matter at hand.


*近义词:unrelated 无关的

3.  mis –  错误;否定

misinformed (adj.)  误传的

mis (错误) + in (进入) +form (形状)+ed (v.)

Ex. If a reporter has been misinformed about a story, it can ruin the entire article.


mistrust (v.)  信任、怀疑

mis  (否定) +trust (信任)

Ex. In any relationship, mistrust can be disastrous.


4.  ob-  向;相反

object  (v.)  反对

ob (向) + ject (投掷)

Ex. Would you object to my bringing a friend to the party?

你会不会反对我带一个朋友参加派对?*object 可当名词,意思是「物体、目的、对象」

*object to sth. 反对某事

oblique (adj.)  拐弯抹角的

ob (向) +li  (弯)  + que (adj.)

Ex. These two streets meet at an oblique angle.

这两条街道交会成一个斜角。 *近义词:crooked 歪的、不正派的

5.  post -后

posterior (adj.)  后面的、较晚的

post (后) + er (更) +ior (adj.)

Ex. many weeds are growing in the posterior of the plot.


*近义词:vanish 消失、绝迹

postpone (v.)  延期

post (后) + pone (放置)

Ex. I am afraid I have to postpone our meeting.

我恐怕得把把我们的开会时间往后延。 *反义词:advance 将…提前;前进

6.  pre – 前

predestined (adj.) 注定的

pre (前)+ de (往下)+stin (站)+ ed (adj.)

Ex. Some people believe they are predestined to be together.


premature (adj.)  早熟的、过早的

pre (前) + mature (成熟)

Ex. Premature babies need extra special care during their first days.


*premature 可做名词,意思是「早产儿、过早发生的事」

preview (v.)  预告片、预习、预演

pre (预先)+ view (看)

Ex. Before each movie starts, previews of other movies are shown.

电影开演之前都会先拨放其他电影的预告片。 *preview 亦可做动词,意思是「预先审查、预看」

7.  re –   重新;往回;反覆

reactivate (v.)  恢复活动、复工

re(重新) + act (行动) + iv(e) (adj.) +ate (v.)

Ex. To help with recovery efforts, some retired soldiers were reactivated.


resume (v.)  重新开始、取回

re (重新) + sume (拿)

Ex. Do you know what time we will be able to resume our trip?


*resume sth./V-ing  持续 (做) 某事

8.  super –  在上;超越

superficial (adj.) 表面的、肤浅的

super (在上) + fici (面部) +al  (adj.)

Ex. The wound is only superficial, so I wouldn’t worry about it.


9.  sym – / syn –  一起;共同

sympathy  (n.) 同情、怜悯

sym (共同) + path (感觉) +y (n.)

Ex. I haven’t got much sympathy for people who don’t try hard to improve their situation.


*反义词:antipathy 反感

*feel /have sympathy for/ with 同情….

synonym (n.) 同义词

syno (共同) + nym (名称)

Ex. What is a synonym of “giant” ?


*反义词:antonym 反义词

*be a synonym for/of … 是…的同义词

10.  un –   不

unbiased (adj.) 无偏见的

un (不) + bias (偏见) +ed (adj.)

Ex. If you want an unbiased opinion, talk to her!


*unbiased 指对任何一方都没有偏袒

