搭配词 collocation 中的 co 是一起,location 指的是位置,合起来顾名思义就是「放在一起」的单字。用对「搭配词」能让语言更加流畅,以往总是疯狂背单字、文法,但脑中思维仍被「母语」影响,导致说出口时总是中翻英、词不达意。这种搭配词的应用没有既定的背法,只能透过阅读例句中理解、再活用于对话,慢慢地便能快速切换各种情境,讲出最对味的句子!
倒垃圾 take out/put out the trash
Jimmy asked me to take out the trash tonight so I’ll have to go home early.
Jimmy 叫我今晚倒垃圾,所以我得早点回家。
recycled trash/recycling (n.) 资源回收
trash bag (n.) 垃圾袋
garbage dump (n.) 垃圾场
接电话 answer/get the phone
「接收」这个动作很容易联想到 “receive”,而 “receive” 确实可以表达「接到一通电话」,若要表示接电话的动作本身择该使用的搭配词是 “answer/get”,来看举例:
It is appropriate to answer the phone with your name and company under certain business situations.
送干洗 send the clothes to a dry cleaner
衣服除了放洗衣机 “do the laundry” 以外,也可以拿去干洗,所以送干洗就是 “send the clothes to a dry cleaner”。
To maintain the quality of the shirt, we often send it to a dry cleaner.
晒棉被 hang out the quilts
你可以想像「晒」衣服的动作,把衣服挂在衣架上,因此翻译过来就是 “hang out” 这个动词片语,而以下影片要教你 quilt (棉被)
It’s a cloudless day, we should hang out the quilts in case it rains tomorrow.
我不吃牛 not a big beef eater
当我们要说「我不喜欢…」时会用 “I’m not a big fan of…” ,讲到食物偏好时,则可以用 “not a big … eater” 来表示。
A: Let’s have some beef steaks tonight!
A: 今晚去吃牛排吧!
B: Well… don’t count me in because I’m not a big beef eater.
B: 这个嘛…你们去吧,我不吃牛。
遛狗 walk the dog
Janet walks her dog every evening after dinner.
Janet 每天傍晚吃完饭后都会去遛狗。
不要 (一直) 转台 stop channel surfing
It’s game 7 of NBA finals, stop channel surfing! I don’t want to miss a thing.
这是 NBA 冠军赛,不要一直转台!我不想遗漏任何一刻。
排候补 be put on the standby/waiting list
A: Can you put me on the standby list?
A: 你可以把我排在候补名单上吗?
B: Sure, but there are eight people ahead of you on the list.
B: 当然可以,不过在你前面还有八个人。
有我的尺寸吗 Do you have this in my size?
这句最重要的是介系词 “in” ,当我们在购物时,要请店员拿一件架上没有的尺寸时,就可以这样说!
These pants are what I’ve been looking for. Have you got them in my size? I’m a size 8.
分期付款 pay in installments
You can pay for your iPad in monthly installments.
你可以选择分期付款的方式来缴你的 iPad。
除了分期付款,installment 也有部分、(丛书杂志等的) 一部或一期的意思
有空来坐坐 pop in for a chat
A: Karen, how have you been recently? We haven’t met for a long while since graduation!
A: Karen 你最近过得如何?我们毕业后就很久没见面了。
B: I’ve been super busy with work recently. My house is in this neighborhood, why not pop in for a chat sometimes?
B: 我这几年工作超级忙。我家就在这附近,要不要来坐坐?
养成习惯 form/develop a habit
It takes 21 days, that is three weeks, to form a habit. So stick to it!