一、How to produce gutter oil ? 地沟油怎么来的?
step 1 Collect leftover from restaurants, waste from sewers, waste animal fat 搜集餐厅厨余、地沟废物、废弃动物油
step 2 Perform some simple filtering first 先简单的过滤
step 3 sold roughly filtered oil to big enterprises for refinement 将被简单过滤的油送到大厂去做更细部的加工
step 4 labelled and packaged then being sold as cooking oil in a various brands 地沟油们被贴上品牌标签及包装,当成一般的食用油品牌贩售
二、Damage of gutter oil 地沟油的危害
1. contains carcinogen that can lead to cancer of stomach, lung, kidney, breast, ovary and intestines 地沟油含有黄麴霉素、苯并芘等的致癌物,可能导致胃、肺、肾、胸、卵巢及肠道病变
2. gutter oil’s production process is unsanitary, easily be contaminated then generate harmful substances. once eat it, will lead to diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, some gastrointestinal disorders. 地沟油的制作过程不卫生,容易受到污染而产生有害物质,一旦食用,会引致腹泻、恶心、呕吐等一系列胃肠疾病
3. There are large number of sewage and heavy metals which may cause severe abdominal pain, anemia, toxic liver disease and other symptoms地沟油中混有大量污水及重金属等有害化学物,会引起剧烈腹绞痛、贫血、中毒性肝病等症状
4. The most important is─lead society unrest 最重要的是,造成社会动荡不安!
三、How to discern gutter oil ? 如何辨别地沟油?
1. with a sour, charred and bitter taste, the oil is rancid. And may be gutter oil 带酸味、焦苦味的油已发生酸败,可能是地沟油
2. See transparency. Pure oil is transparent and turbidity may have impurities 看透明度,纯净的油呈透明状;若是混浊的可能有杂质
3. Through the professional inspection agency’s analysis 透过专业检验机构的分析